And it *was* Maths

A pink and gold dragon on an inkpotStudying Maths at Oxford University, having just completed the second year of a four year Masters degree*, currently back at home in sunny* Manchester.

Actually, the only reason I've updated this page is to try and draw people's attention to version 1 of my 42 maker at which tries to make 42 from a number you give it. It's quite primitive currently, but hopefully I can work on it...

I'd love to hear your comments - either discuss this entry below, or send me an email (details available on my website at

'Talking about love is like dancing about architecture.'

In my spare time (hah!), I play piano and violin, read, 'play' on the computer, go to the cinema, etc. etc. You don't really care, do you? smiley -

If you've got nothing better to do, why not visit my website at

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*waves at Matthew* Jul 11, 2001


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Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

Researcher U51315


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