This is the Message Centre for Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

Wimbledon 2001

Post 1

Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

Went to Wimbledon just under two weeks ago now. Caught a train on the Thursday from Manchester via Euston to Wimbledon (the underground when carrying a large rucksack containing a tent is *such* fun), where I met some friends in a nearby pub. When everybody had arrived, we caught the bus to the grounds and joined the queue at about 7pm on Thursday.

After setting up our tents and getting out the self-contained barbecues (we were /organised/ smiley - smiley ), we settled down for the night, popping off to play frisbee on the open land opposite every so often.

Having arrived so early, we easily got tickets for Centre Court in the morning, which meant we got to see the Henman, Rusedski and Capriati matches, though when the start was delayed due to rain, I started to worry! I also got to see the start of a women's doubles
match, and the opportunity to pay exorbitant amounts for food.

I succumbed to the merchandising, buying a t-shirt and a giant tennis ball, but I think it was worth it, even if everybody else thinks I'm mad...

Then, when the tennis was over, we trooped back to a friend's house (well, via the train and a pub), stayed the night there and I just made my return train the next day.

Since getting home, I have discovered a photo of me in the Saturday Guardian sports section the next day, and I have spotted myself on the TV (third row, just left of the scoreboard, commentator's end). I was so near the commentator's box that I could see inside and see what was appearing on BBC TV (including the instant replays), which was quite handy.

All in all, it was great fun and I'd do it all again. Well done Ivanisevic!

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