This is the Message Centre for Tabitca

I may regret posting this....

Post 1


but what is it about me that lets people think they can show me such a lack of consideration? There is someone who will read this who knows what i am talking about.
My friend said this morning, on the phone, that it is because I am too reasonable, too non judgemental and just too nicesmiley - yuk how can you be too nice?smiley - erm
It's the worse thing that anyone can do to me..I hate bad manners and lack of respect for other people's feelings. To treat anyone as being less than you, is an insult.
All is does is make me sadsmiley - sadface and eventually I will ease those people from my life because I get fed up of being hurt.
No one is perfect and I'm sure I will have trampled on someone elses feelings some times, but I try to learn from it and try not to do it again.
ok rant over, as you were.
smiley - hug to all . Be kind to each other.

I may regret posting this....

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

What is it about you? Probably the same thing it is about me, and probably the same thing that lets me do it to other people (though one doesn't realise one's done it until some time later). Are you sure things are as you see them and not just a faux-pas?

I may regret posting this....

Post 3


smiley - cuddle

want to talk Tab?

I may regret posting this....

Post 4

airscotia-back by popular demand

Crikey Tabs, sounds pretty nasty whatever it was smiley - hug

Hope it all works out ok. smiley - cheerup

I may regret posting this....

Post 5


hey smiley - cuddle wasup?

I may regret posting this....

Post 6


It has happened more than once Roy , the person knows they are doing it ...but doesn't seem to learn from it.
all it would take would be a simple email..but it seems they just can't seem to think to do that.

I may regret posting this....

Post 7


Tabs - I think I know what you're talking about. smiley - cuddle

*offers some smiley - choc*

I may regret posting this....

Post 8


Thanks Kitsmiley - hug I thought someone might.The person concerned will probably read it and be annoyed with me but I needed to let it out.

I may regret posting this....

Post 9


yeah we all do at times. One way of remaining sane!

I'll let mine out....My boyfriend forgot my birthday! *waits for all the awws and chocolates and hugs*

I may regret posting this....

Post 10


oh noo Kitsmiley - cuddle That is bad. smiley - rose

I may regret posting this....

Post 11

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Tabitca, I smiley - love the way you are!

some people react out of jalaousy for your ease of communicating with others resulting in a friendship.

I may regret posting this....

Post 12


thank you Pheloxismiley - smooch but maybe i need to learn to be mean ..

I may regret posting this....

Post 13



smiley - cuddle I think you need lots of hug and lots of chocolate and...hmm....well more chocolate!

I may regret posting this....

Post 14


and so do you Kitsmiley - cuddle seems like neither of us is getting what we need at the moment.

I may regret posting this....

Post 15


hehe. I told him off. But he forgot last year as well so hes being consistant! Airy claims its the failing of man - they dont have good memories, and I think I'm going with that....

I may regret posting this....

Post 16

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - sadface

smiley - chocsmiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - giftsmiley - cheerupsmiley - donutsmiley - porkpie

That lot help at all you two?smiley - smiley

I may regret posting this....

Post 17


more smiley - choc I think Airy. smiley - winkeye

I may regret posting this....

Post 18


I think in my case it's just lack of doubt Airy will say thats a male thing as wellsmiley - laugh

I may regret posting this....

Post 19

littlemightyblue2(Not around much at the moment)

smiley - cuddle for Tabs and a smiley - gift for Kit,hope this makes you two feel better smiley - winkeye

When you told him it was your birthday Kit did he spoil you rotten?

I may regret posting this....

Post 20


yup. I'll give you that. The male species do tend to not think at times when they should do. Then when you tell them offf - they claim its in their nature and you can't blame them for it smiley - rolleyes

Men eh smiley - winkeye

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