This is the Message Centre for Tabitca
for those interested........
Tabitca Started conversation Sep 16, 2006
things are going very well.
Jk's coach was 45minutes late and I spent 30 minutes in the most horrendous thunderstorm waiting for him. It was like a monsoon.All i can think is he brought the weather with him from Bristol
Well we seem to have got on from the beginning
We've just come back from some shopping and laughed all the way there and back..and now Jk is weeding the garden for me.
I think after living in an all male household he finds our all female household a bit daunting...especially after he left the toilet seat up
Oedipus has really taken to him..Baggins
is a bit more wary...
and Nessie seems fine with i'll keep you posted to all. have a nice weekend
for those interested........
Adrian-67 Posted Sep 16, 2006
JK STOP THAT WEEDING LARK NOW! Get the beer out and watch Tab do it instead
Glad everything is going well
for those interested........
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Sep 16, 2006
I'm pleased it's going well. When are you setting up the webcam?
(come on, that was inevitable)
for those interested........
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Sep 16, 2006
hi cant get rid of me can you
for those interested........
JohnnyK - I am the 2% Posted Sep 16, 2006
I'm alive and Baggins is a complete TART
he was all freindly to me when he thought I had food
but then reverted to type running away when I come within 10 foot of him
Roy well a webcam do *yyou* really want to see what we're up to....doing the laundry
for those interested........
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Sep 16, 2006
Doing the laundry? Well, one learns a new euphemism everyday!
for those interested........
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Sep 16, 2006
our pets do that all the time
for those interested........
pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | Posted Sep 18, 2006
oh! more thin air toddlers!
see pheloxionary A2700325
Key: Complain about this post
for those interested........
- 1: Tabitca (Sep 16, 2006)
- 2: Adrian-67 (Sep 16, 2006)
- 3: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Sep 16, 2006)
- 4: Marmite (Sep 16, 2006)
- 5: Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet (Sep 16, 2006)
- 6: pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | (Sep 16, 2006)
- 7: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Sep 16, 2006)
- 8: JohnnyK - I am the 2% (Sep 16, 2006)
- 9: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Sep 16, 2006)
- 10: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Sep 16, 2006)
- 11: pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | (Sep 16, 2006)
- 12: pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | (Sep 16, 2006)
- 13: Kitish (Sep 16, 2006)
- 14: MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK (Sep 16, 2006)
- 15: Tabitca (Sep 17, 2006)
- 16: pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | (Sep 17, 2006)
- 17: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Sep 17, 2006)
- 18: Kitish (Sep 17, 2006)
- 19: Yael Smith (Sep 18, 2006)
- 20: pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | (Sep 18, 2006)
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