This is the Message Centre for Tabitca

for those interested........

Post 1


things are going very well.smiley - ok
Jk's coach was 45minutes late and I spent 30 minutes in the most horrendous thunderstorm waiting for him. It was like a monsoon.All i can think is he brought the weather with him from Bristolsmiley - erm
Well we seem to have got on from the beginningsmiley - love
We've just come back from some shopping and laughed all the way there and back..and now Jk is weeding the garden for me.smiley - hug
I think after living in an all male household he finds our all female household a bit daunting...especially after he left the toilet seat upsmiley - steamsmiley - laugh
Oedipussmiley - cat has really taken to him..Bagginssmiley - cat is a bit more wary...
and Nessie seems fine with i'll keep you posted
smiley - hug to all. have a nice weekendsmiley - ok

for those interested........

Post 2


JK STOP THAT WEEDING LARK NOW! Get the beer out and watch Tab do it instead smiley - biggrin

Glad everything is going well smiley - smooch

for those interested........

Post 3

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I'm pleased it's going well. When are you setting up the webcam?

(come on, that was inevitable)

for those interested........

Post 4


Lets hope he doesnt find that you have left the toilet seat upsmiley - yikessmiley - biggrin

for those interested........

Post 5

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

smiley - lurksmiley - winkeye

for those interested........

Post 6

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

glad te hear that rl connect goes the cats smiley - winkeye

for those interested........

Post 7

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

hi cant get rid of me can you

for those interested........

Post 8

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

I'm alive and Bagginssmiley - cat is a complete TART smiley - laugh he was all freindly to me when he thought I had food smiley - winkeye but then reverted to type running away when I come within 10 foot of him smiley - rofl...

Roy smiley - laugh well a webcam do *yyou* really want to see what we're up to....doing the laundry smiley - winkeye

for those interested........

Post 9

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Doing the laundry? Well, one learns a new euphemism everyday!

for those interested........

Post 10

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

our pets do that all the time

for those interested........

Post 11

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

no food for naughty JohnnyK

smiley - love of a smiley - cat goes thru the tommy smiley - winkeye

for those interested........

Post 12

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

no food for Bagginssmiley - cat naughty JohnnyK

smiley - love of a smiley - cat goes thru the tommy smiley - winkeye

last a bit of correct!?

for those interested........

Post 13


for those interested........

Post 14

MadSnacker-h2g2 ambassador to Yorkshire and the UK

I am happy that all is going well...I hope the visit brings you two a lot of happiness. smiley - biggrin MadSpender.

for those interested........

Post 15


it's certainly brought a smile to my face, apparently JK says I am smiling a lot. smiley - biggrin

for those interested........

Post 16

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - smiley is sexy smiley - winkeye

for those interested........

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - lurk

for those interested........

Post 18


good smiley - smiley

for those interested........

Post 19

Yael Smith

smiley - lurk

for those interested........

Post 20

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

oh! more thin air toddlers!

see pheloxionary A2700325

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