This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Sep 28, 2020
Had an appointment with my bone nurse - I had to phone hospital to insist as it was a talking consultation with no examination etc, I wanted it as a phone consultation... they changed it without problems. and.
phone consultation works better than going to the hospital, by a million miles
my bone turnover is 'normal' so they're organising another bone density scan and appointment (now will be next year), with the main bone guy/Dr who I saw ages and ages back when I was DX as having osteoporosis. - I then got downgraded (upgraded?) to osteopenia
- by the looks of it, I've further improved my bone density, all without taking their horrible medication with all the sideeffects- turns out gym, walking and calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, and vitamin K2 Mk7 supplementation can work
of course
Asides which... nothing has happened
pubs now closing earlier because... nope, still no idea, - now a lot more people out on the street same time each night - last night in the pub, was W and me, at one table, the landlady, a barman, and a man/woman at another table . . . that was it, by the end of the evening, - earlier the man/woman were not there, but another couple we know well, who live near us, where there instead, but left earlier
Let there be pilchards
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 28, 2020
Where I come from they catch very young and therefore small herrings, smoke them and eat them whole. Most of us leave the heads and tails, though. They are very delicious with Schnapps and beer
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 21, 2020
Thanks Gosh, I seem rarely to log in thesedays….. - actually I rarely turn the computer on; since I discovered reading again, err, a year or two ago, and then really* got back into reading again, at the start of lockdown, I rarely do much else cept read
- well, cept for the gym of course, and cooking
I've read over 200 books now, since the end of March, when lockdown started
Next few medical things, are routeen; testosterone injection in …. a week or two, (which I'm now having at the local GP surgery, so I can.... manipulate the day I have the injection a bit more (without them knowing)) - then I've got two hospital appointments, both now phone consultations, one with endocrinology for 'growth hormone review', and the second, the same day, (an hour later), also a phone consultation, with Endocrinology, which is the consultation with the endo Dr
- seems I've been moved to six-monthly or once yearly endo consultant appointments, as they're not really actively doing anything (new) with me, I guess
Stuck at home today; the rain is tipping it down; and with no lockers to use at the gym, I don't fancy a workout in wet clothes (we'd get soaked going there through this rain) didn't sleep at all again, last night
and need more
Milla, h2g2 Operations Posted Oct 22, 2020
Ah yes the reading *bliss*
Since I found e-books, I'm reading soooo much.
I admit to having ignored the backlog/journals, so I wonder why you need to manipulate injection days?
anyway, be well and so on
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 25, 2020
manipulating testosterone injection days; I'm on a version of testosterone called nabido. (or maybe nabedo, I forget). - the dose of this injection is always the same..... - so they alter the space between injections to compensate for different people needing different amounts.
Normal gap between injections is 12 weeks.
at week 10 I start feeling aweful; can't hardly walk, can't think, hot flushes, weak, in a tempor all the time, feeling 'dredful'.
But; at 10 week interval, my bloods show my testosterone is 'too high' - which can be bad as blood clotting etc is effected.
So I managed to persuade them to an 11 week spacing.... - which still leaves me one week of not being able to walk, exercise, move, talk, function.... - hence trying to wangle a few extra days earlier from the injection....
I'm still a way from the injection, and already, I've not slept in two weeks.... still managing the gym though
I've also discovered the proper names for a couple of symptoms I've had since diagnosis, err... five year ago? - depersonalisation and derealisation. - I'm hoping knowing their names might help, as, basically they're so impossible to describe.... - try things like "I feel like I'm not inside myself,.... I'm disconnected from my body, but my mind is symultainiously disconnected from the 'world outside'..." . hmm... yeh, its not quite right, but its something like that
Baron Grim Posted Oct 26, 2020
Sounds dreadful while also sounding like something certain eastern mystics and folks who experiment with psychedelic drugs wish to attain.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 29, 2020
Yes... to all of the above its a very odd feeling.... which makes it terribly hard to describe... sort of 'out of body', whilst symultainiously being 'out of mind' -- yet being able to carry on, E.G., walking down the street, whilst having a conversation
- just feeling like your about to collapse or pass out at any second
I've always had this odd thing with reality. - for the most part we don't get on, particularly, and have taken a scilent descision to just, 'put up with each-other'
Well, I told the Dr, on the phone consultation this morning... and he 'has no explination', or, apparently thoughts about it cep.... 'just monitor see if it develops' - by which I think he means, see if it develops to me loosing consciousness or not
They're organising some blood tests, for the regular 'things' I normally have checked at the hospital app, just for regular FBC, LFC, electrolytes, plus hormones (testosterone anyhow, and probably thyroid), plus re-checking my IGF-1 (measure of growth hormone) - as it was quite high above range, back in June/july, on the last blood test I had
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- 1: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Sep 28, 2020)
- 2: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 28, 2020)
- 3: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Oct 11, 2020)
- 4: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 21, 2020)
- 5: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Oct 22, 2020)
- 6: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 25, 2020)
- 7: Pierce The Pirate ~ out of Hotblack Desiato mode again ~ (Oct 25, 2020)
- 8: Baron Grim (Oct 26, 2020)
- 9: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 29, 2020)
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