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Tribute to a Genius

Post 1


All you have to do to appreciate this man's work is to read, play watch, whatever it. If in reading the HHGTTG you had to die when you finished it I don't expect there are many people who wouldn't accept that fate.
His genius is simple his books are at the same time incredibly basic and vastly complex. Just try getting your head round space-time-continuum. All I can think up is some sort of graph with 4 axis. Try and imagine a world in 4D. But if you read the books you could understand the wit and irony that he uses if you were a 2 year old (metaphorically speaking).
I think, in losing Douglas Adams the world has lost a man with a great genius.
R.i.C.* Douglas Noel Adams, 1952-2001
*Rest in Chaos

Tribute to a Genius

Post 2

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

smiley - cry

Tribute to a Genius

Post 3

Sir Panther, Keeper of Webthingz / Downloadz, Knight of Mystical Mathematics.

smiley - zen

The vastness of the knowledge and experience he had, are sometimes hidden, sometimes blatantly obvious in the works he left us.

That in itself is timeless.

smiley - hug

Tribute to a Genius

Post 4


I just bought 'A Salmon of Doubt'.

Miss that guy smiley - sadface

Tribute to a Genius

Post 5


Here's a link (that's permanently on my userpage) that will make you miss him more, albeit in a cheerful way. smiley - sadfacesmiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Stesmiley - earth

Tribute to a Genius

Post 6


smiley - crysmiley - crysmiley - cry
As the days goes by,
Nothing's changed,
Not one iota of our brains,
has advanced,
as much as it would have done,
if DNA was still alive today.
smiley - crysmiley - crysmiley - cry
So why give up,
You must stay strong,
Try praying the whole day long.
No matter to what,
whether a god,
or any old sod.
someone will hear our claim.
smiley - crysmiley - crysmiley - cry
We must claim him,
back again,
To join us,
However insane.
For an insane genius,
Is better than,
a sane accountant.
(However rich)

Tribute to a Genius

Post 7


having bought the salmon, i thought i re-read the 1st 2 Gently books first. I cried so much at the end of DGHDA.

Lovely poem Wotchit.

from a not very sane accountant.

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