A Conversation for Room 101

Nick Hancock

Post 1

Dinsdale Piranha

Yes, he did host the show originally.

Room 101 suggestions:

Jeremy Beadle and all his works; people who get to the top of the escalator and then stop, causing everyone behind them to run into them; motorcyclists who scream round Billingshurst by-pass on Sundays, then ride back up the High Street and scream round the by-pass again (and again, and again); Ronseal ads.

Nick Hancock

Post 2

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

Thanks for the info. (I'll credit you with it properly when I can figure out how to do so)

Now to your suggestions (in true Paul Merton trying to argue style)

Jeremy Beadle. Whilst I can see you point there are worse things. Lisa Riley (the woman who presents "you've been framed" now) makes Beadle look like a comedic god. Who am I kidding of course he is going in.

People stopping at the top of escalators. Is it really worth banishing all these people, who might just be stopping to find their way to the shops?

Motorcyclists around Billingham. If they didn't do that you wouldn't have been able to get a mention of Billingham into this discussion, denying that fine town its some well deserved free publicity.


Nick Hancock

Post 3

Dinsdale Piranha

It's not the working out which way they want to go that bugs me. It's the fact that they stop in a position that causes everyone behind tham to have to take avoiding action. All they need to do is get off at the top (or bottom), then step to one side, and everyone's happy.

Don't know where Billingham is, but there is already a Guide Entry for Billingshurst smiley - winkeye, written by my good self *preen , preen*.

Nick Hancock

Post 4

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

"Don't know where Billingham is, but there is already a Guide Entry for Billingshurst , written by my good self *preen , preen*."

See it obviously does need the publicity if I can't even remember its name immediatly after reading it. smiley - winkeye


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