A Conversation for Room 101

Room 101 origins

Post 1


Hello, I work for Ariel and needed to speak to someone who knows about this posting. I specifically want to know where the footnote to the origins of Room 101 came from -- it's footnote 1. I am doing some research about this topic for the newspaper and I have not been able to verify that Room 101 did indeed have anything to do with Orwell's time at the BBC. Please contact me.

Room 101 origins

Post 2


Well I wrote the original Guide Entry here (in a different guise but I've lost my log in details for that account).

I cannot recall where I originally heard that Room 101 was associated with the BBC (most likely in whichever edition of 1984 I have - unfortunately the book is several hundreds of miles away so I cannot check).

However a quick Google manages to turn up

Perhaps the BBC press office would be the best good place to speak to in the first instance.

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