A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home

Each post a limerick

Post 2481


smiley - applause Two immaculate lims! Bravo!

Each post a limerick

Post 2482

Reality Manipulator

There once was a fellow named Tim
whose dad never taught him to swim.
He fell off a dock
and sunk like a rock.
And that was the end of him.

Each post a limerick

Post 2483

Reality Manipulator

There once was a young girl named Jill.
Who was scared by the sight of a drill.
She brushed every day
So her dentist would say,
“Your teeth are so perfect; no bill.”

Each post a limerick

Post 2484


smiley - magicsmiley - cheers

Each post a limerick

Post 2485

McKay The Disorganised

There was a young man of France
Who taught married women to dance
Though he couldn't La Bamba
Nor Tango, nor Samba
He still got into their pants.

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2486


There was a young man called McKay
Who fell in a road roller's way
He couldn't take flight
To the left or the right
So he's shiny new surface today

or is it

There was a young man called McKay
Who never stopped wondering why
Every verse that pretends
To significance ends
In an anticlimactical smiley - sigh

Each post a limerick

Post 2487

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The limericks here are the best.
Come on in. Oh please be our guest.
Each one is a jewel,
So witty and cool.
I can't wait to see all the rest.

Each post a limerick

Post 2488


Are you ready for this one? Sit down!
And prepare for the best one around!
It's witty and smart!
A real piece of art!
Destined for praise and renown!

This might seem like a bit too much hype
For a piece of poor second-rate tripe
Too quickly you screen
This poem, yet green
Full effect will be seen when it's ripe

smiley - tea

Each post a limerick

Post 2489


There was a prime minister, Dave
Who new how to look and behave
'We're in it together'
He said, adding a feather
To the nests of the rich folk he'd save

Each post a limerick

Post 2490


There was a prime minister, Dave
Who knew how to look and behave
'We're in it together'
He said, adding a feather
To nests of the rich folk he'd save

Not new. I knew that.

Each post a limerick

Post 2491

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Prime Minister Stephen McStephen
Had teeth that were perfectly even.
His hair had a part
That was stylish and smart,
And with humour his speeches he'd leaven.

Each post a limerick

Post 2492


On a balcony, high in the mist,
Stood a bucket, in which all had pi55ed.
When it poured from the sky
On a poor passer-by,
Not the tiniest drop of it missed.

Each post a limerick

Post 2493

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Of snow I am getting so tired.
Tomorrow in more we'll be mired.
"'Twill melt!" we've been told,
"'cause it will not be cold."
Mother Nature deserves to be fired!

Each post a limerick

Post 2494


The Spring is decidedly here,
The loveliest time of the year;
So it's time to embark
On a lark in the park--
'Life is skittles' says Tom, 'Life is beer'

For Tom Lehrer, who will be 83 in nine days' time smiley - ok

Each post a limerick

Post 2495


Oops, bad maths there. Eight days' time, the 9th of April smiley - cake

Each post a limerick

Post 2496


Though disgustingly up to his ears
In putrid filth, still it appears
In spite of the vile
Stench from the bile
Relief may come in a few years

smiley - yuk

Each post a limerick

Post 2497


She was pretty and tasted so sweet
A joyful, kind person to meet
Friendly and clean
Witty and keen
Soft spoken, well mannered, petite


smiley - yuk

Each post a limerick

Post 2498

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

A girl of impeccable taste
Tied a large long-tailed skunk 'round her waist.
They thought her demented.
She said, "'Tis descented.
The men should approach without haste..."

Each post a limerick

Post 2499

McKay The Disorganised

~~There was a young lady from Perth,
who possessed a sizeable girth,
Her mother was bitter
and often would hit her
Saying, "she weighed 30 pounds at birth."

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2500

You can call me TC

Many are inclined to disparage
The hype round the Royal Marriage
But I wish no ill
on Kate and her Will
And hope that they honeymoon in Harwich.

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