A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home

Each post a limerick

Post 2521

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The film industry has no equal.
For special effects it's quite geekal.
For stories, however,
They aren't very clever,
And often rely on a sequel.

Each post a limerick

Post 2522


When they spend time on stories it shows;
The flick entertains if it flows.
And sequels are found
That improve each time round--
Toy Story achieved both of those.

Each post a limerick

Post 2523


There once was a woman called Etheldreda Who decked herself out in such gaudery, An angry Lord smote Her with tumor in throat; "Fair dues" she said, "Should have stayed tawdry". . . . arising from http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/F19585?thread=100569&show=20&skip=16285

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Post 2524

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I've never been in high society,
Though not from a lack of propriety.
Those gussied-up dames
And their little mind games
Have never quite warmed up to my yeti.

Each post a limerick

Post 2525


Just stopping by to say a quick hello
Since of late I've been an absent fellow
My keyboard is dusty
The rhymes a bit rusty
But the meter's as solid as jello


Each post a limerick

Post 2526

McKay The Disorganised

So Hootoo's pulled back from the brink
Let's all get together and drink
To the health of our saviours
and the propriety of their behaviours
or else we'll kick up a stink.

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2527


I'll toast with some warm milk and cheese
A nice piece of cheddar should please
When things become scary
I recommend dairy
As long as your name isn't Cleese

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Post 2528

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Here's a toast to the rescuers: Praise!
I'll give thanks to the end of my days.
The nights I shall spend
With a jovial friend
Who frequents Bermuda's fine Cays.

Each post a limerick

Post 2529

You can call me TC

Harumph and more words of that kind!
I wrote a post Thursday that rhymed.
But our internet host
wouldn't let me post
I'm annoyed and perplexed, and I MIND!

Each post a limerick

Post 2530

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm sorry to hear you're at odds
With Hootoo's fine panel of mods.
Keeping writing your verse
(You could do far worse),
And hope that it pleases the gods.

Each post a limerick

Post 2531


They think they're a bunch of smart Alecs
Detaining your bud in its calyx--
You've thoughts to express
But you've first got to guess
What's acceptable to the Italics

Each post a limerick

Post 2532

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

That's never been easy, I guess,
But normally there's not much mess.
Most posts do go through,
And they're shiny and new
(My silly ones, too, I confess).

Each post a limerick

Post 2533

You can call me TC

My effort just good clean fun
The problem was a technical one
On that fateful day
Other posts went astray
The system did nothing, yet said "done"

This adventure happened in Goo
I saved all my efforts, once I knew
They were bound for the drain
Then I tried again
In Barlesque, but that failed me, too.


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Post 2534

McKay The Disorganised

Frustration is the lot of a man
Computers deny us whenever they can
but were it not for the medium
would we fall into tedium
Or return to the streets where once we ran ?

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2535

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The sparrow, the sheep and the mink
Set sale in an old kitchen sink.
They discovered new lands
Full of dismembered hands,
Which soon was to drive them to drink.

Each post a limerick

Post 2536

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My wife fell in love with a frog,
Or so I hear tell from the dog.
He's little and green.
She made a big scene.
She now wants to live in a bog!

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Post 2537

Reality Manipulator

Come and join in the wildest and wackiest coffee evening
where everyone will be wearing their blingest bling
meeting all the hobnobs and all of society's grandees
boasting of their of their holidays to faraway Belize
and their collection of Ming vases which they bought in Beijing.

Each post a limerick

Post 2538

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I sing of the lovely Queen Noor,
Who was known for her charm and allure.
As a mother and wife,
She spiced up their life,
And all were quite happy they knew 'er.

Each post a limerick

Post 2539


It's hotter than tin in full sun
And as humid as juice on a bun
The lake's ninety-five
I'll be boiled alive
And this heat wave has only begun

Each post a limerick

Post 2540

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Alas, it is hot here, as well.
There's worse on the way, I hear tell.
We'll prob'ly survive,
Though it hit 105.
In December, we'll have a cold spell.

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