This is the Message Centre for Willem

Art Exhibition!

Post 1


I'm holding an art exhibition tomorrow! Me, three other people ... two artists who haven't exhibited before, and a journalist (showing her photos). I am really nervous about it! I've done all I can up till now ... I just hope enough people show up. My uncle Nick and my aunt Lydia are coming as well ... I haven't seen them in years! I'll report here how it went tomorrow.

Art Exhibition!

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Best of smiley - goodluck to you! smiley - biggrin

Art Exhibition!

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

How exciting!smiley - magic

*waits for update*

smiley - zen

Art Exhibition!

Post 4


I'm looking forward to this.

You've been doing work that would make John J. Audubon proud.

Art Exhibition!

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Me too. I said a long time ago that Willem could host an exhibition of his marvellous smiley - artist work. It's truly stunning and he is immensely talented.smiley - biggrin

I would attend if it were at all possible (*runs to see if there's a second-hand smiley - tardis on eBay*)

smiley - nursmiley - smoochsmiley - goodluckWillem (although I suspect you won't need it)

Art Exhibition!

Post 6


Hello folks! WHEW - it is over and I survived and there was no catastrophe! And we had an exhibition! We got all our stuff to the school hall this morning ... I was still worried something would go wrong and we would not have access to the hall ... but the hall was there and we got our stuff in it. There was enough room and we had enough stands and stuff for everything, it all fitted in and there was plenty of room for people to walk and look. We put black drapes over some choir stands and used them for propping up many of our works, and we used easels and stands and tables for the rest and in the end I think it looked quite good! I really thought though that the *school* would have spoken of it a bit and that we would have got some of the parents or even the children! Only a few children of the school came in and looked and they were very impressed and excited. But why not more? Why not encourage the school kids to come and have a look? We were in the hall since ten this morning. Why not let the parents know? Why not let the TEACHERS know? Nobody at the school seems to have had any interest or awareness at all that there was an art exhibition on! The people who did come, were mostly people I had invited. I gave a notice on Facebook ... didn't seem to do much good. But many of my friends came, my fellow artists, my fellow bird watchers. All the people who did come, were very impressed and I had lots of nice chats. The two artists who exhibited with me, who had never exhibited before, got lots of exposure. They had printed cards and many people took some. Their works looked great and I think we complemented each other since we have quite different styles and subject matter. The journalist who exhibited her photos also got positive comments. I think for the people involved and for everyone who attended it was a success.

Economically, though ...

I sold one painting. Well, two counting one I gave my Uncle Nick, who drove from Johannesburg with my Aunt Lydia to attend today. But he had asked for that painting quite a while ago already. I also got a commission of a baobab tree. But honestly if we had more people there I'm sure my fellow artists would also have sold something. There were a bunch or rich people who were supposed to have been invited but none of them came. There were supposed to be articles in the local newspapers announcing the event but that didn't happen. Well, I did what I could. I made sure everything was there that we needed for the exhibition, and I did a LOT of phoning and notifying of people, but there's only so much I can do ... I am a very socially isolated person. The other folks ought to have lots of more 'contacts' and so on. But well, I have a few more contacts now. So I really hope next time we can attract a bigger crowd.

Also, it rained today and perhaps that was a bit of a downer for some folks. Well we had arranged for this date long ago and couldn't have foreseen the rain!

Art Exhibition!

Post 7

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Wow, sorry about the lousy attendance, but other than that it sounded like a success. I don't know why the teachers didn't encourage their students to go, art is very important to develop other skills. And I'd think that your art especially would get kids interested in the natural sciences and their environment. I am always astonished at the remarkable animals and plants that are found in South Africa and although your country has had a checkered history ----these native plants and critters are something to be proud of and you should be able to appreciate it no matter what bunch of idiot politicians you vote for.smiley - biggrin

Art Exhibition!

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I admit it sounds like a disappointment with the poor attendance but an art exhibition would have been a draw on a rainy day, if only people had knownsmiley - yikes

It does sound like you did your best Willem, but word will spread and I am glad you are looking forward to the next exhibition. I would push for more, as you sold a painting so that person who bought it will display it and brag about how he found it and probably be proud to have it admired in his own home. Those people who see it will want one too, I know these things snowball and hopefully he will have your contact details. You may get commissions in the future when they find out you will work this way.

I would take all the encouragement you can from this experience Willem, I am thrilled that you sold a paintingsmiley - magic

smiley - cheerupGB
smiley - galaxysmiley - artist

Art Exhibition!

Post 9

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I'm so glad you had an exhibition, and sold a piece too! I hope you have many more, successful displays and have fun with it!
smiley - towel

Art Exhibition!

Post 10

SashaQ - happysad

Congratulations on putting the exhibition together - it sounds superb, with the easels and drapes; very professional smiley - biggrin

It is a puzzle about schools and exhibitions, though - in my local area there is an exhibition and schoolchildren are allowed to enter, so they all do their art and hand it in to their teacher, then the teacher hands the work to the organisers, then maybe one family turns up to see how their child got on, out of 50, and then the organisers give the work back to the teacher who returns it to the children...

I'm sure word of your exhibition will spread, though - our local exhibition has grown every year as plenty of adults enjoy the opportunity to exhibit or just browse local artists' work smiley - biggrin

Art Exhibition!

Post 11


Hi folks! Well I won't call it a failure ... I am very grateful for the people who *did* come and I estimate there were about 40 or 50 over the course of the day. But still, it would have been better had there been more. And I would have loved it if my fellow artists exhibiting with me also sold something. And if the school had an orderly way to let the kids come and have a look at the paintings. I'll definitely plan better for future exhibitions. But this one now gave me the experience. Also the others exhibiting with me. Now they know what it is all about as well. So in the future they could also help with the arrangements, I won't need to plan everything and do almost everything myself! And I can work harder to get more people there.

Art Exhibition!

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - oksounds like a plan! And something for you to look forward to!smiley - hug

Sometimes people only need motivation - if they see someone else "doing" they're likely to respond to the call-up, especially if they will be the ones to benefit. Don't be afraid to contact them to ask and delegate!

I have a good feeling about this and wish you well for the future Willemsmiley - hug

smiley - magic

Art Exhibition!

Post 13


Hi Willem

Well done for the organising the event smiley - applause That is some undertaking in itself. Certainly not a failure, 40-50 people to an event such as this is not to be knocked, I would consider it a success in its own right as well as good experience for everyone. smiley - artist

Art Exhibition!

Post 14


Excellent Willem! smiley - kiss And good to start somewhere. In the future you'll probably have a queue out the door and round the block, when word gets around. Well done! smiley - kiss

Art Exhibition!

Post 15


Hi Galaxy Babe, Peanut, Cactuscafé! For me it was great to have had this practice with planning and organizing an event. I never really thought I could do something like this! But anyways I did it. And I'll do it again, and better. Anyways if you're interested here is a photo of my aunt Lydia and I at the exhibition, with a few paintings in the background ... two of the visible ones here are from the other two artists, the cheetahs and the boats.

Art Exhibition!

Post 16

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Willem, next time, could you give me/us advance warning of the date of your exhibition. I'll tweet it and create a new hashtag. Also make a Facebook event, you never know how these things spread.

smiley - goodluck

Art Exhibition!

Post 17


Hi Galaxy Babe! I'll tell you. How does one make a Facebook event???

Art Exhibition!

Post 18

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Load the main Fb page, under your name is "edit profile", beneath that is News Feed, then Messages, then "Events" <--- click this. When the page loads, there's a big blue button which says "Create" click then fill in the details of your eventsmiley - ok

Art Exhibition!

Post 19


A suggestion on future art shows, after you're satisfied with your display technics, you might try canvassing established galleries and art dealers and inviting them to send representatives to your show.

Art Exhibition!

Post 20


Hi Galaxy Babe and ITIWBS! I'll think about those things ...

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