A Conversation for Airport Check-in Desk

Airport Check in

Post 101

Brox (a.k.a. Researcher 43342)

the dancing tree? are you related to the singing bush on the three amegos?

Airport Check in

Post 102


I'm sure it would be too much fun
Dawd1 just asked me to have his baby
what an invite
ok about the belt thingy
yes Who would like to try it with me?

Airport Check in

Post 103

The Dancing Tree

Wow, it's been years since I thought about John, the singing bush. We used to hang around in shopping malls doing shows for kids before we got our big TV break. However, we both wanted different things from our careers - he went into acting, while I toured Europe and the US with my band Dancing Tree and the Daffodils. His big movie thing wasn't to be. Despite the bit part in Three Amigos, he was heavily in debt, and took to drinking bottles of hard fertiliser every night. He did get through a drying out clinic though, and now has a bit part in the Little Shop of Horrors stage show.

Airport Check in

Post 104

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

woah fame
drying out clincs = icon

Airport Check in

Post 105


*adds the pink carnation*

Airport Check in

Post 106

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

actually i prefer an orchid in a man's button-hole

Airport Check in

Post 107


Yeah, but "A white sports coat and an orchid" doesn't fit the rythm. smiley - smiley

Airport Check in

Post 108

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

white sports cars are far too gatsby
black bently will do me fine

Airport Check in

Post 109


*blink* ... Sports car?

Airport Check in

Post 110

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

planes are far less sexy

Airport Check in

Post 111


Oh... I dunno. Nice sleek jet, with its turbines all hot and revved up? Sounds pretty sexy to me. smiley - winkeye

Airport Check in

Post 112

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

nah - and its much less safe to get involved with the pilot than with a driver when they're in action

Airport Check in

Post 113

The Dancing Tree

Pilots have an autopilot option. Drivers don't. This may also be applicable to the people themselves rather than just the vehicles.

Airport Check in

Post 114


*laugh* ... Someone once wrote a 'bot' for netsex. smiley - winkeye

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