A Conversation for Airport Check-in Desk

Airport Check in

Post 41


Who happen to have rosaries with 42 beads on each. Hmmmm, sounds like a familiar number. I must look it up in the guide, before I get mugged by that 2 ton pink elephant thats been eyeing up my gin and tonic for the last 2 hours.

Airport Check in

Post 42

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Backing up just a little. it has come to my attention, Pong, the world's first computer game, made its debut in 1972

Airport Check in

Post 43


Which would have been, perhaps 30 years after its inventors birth in 1942. My reasoning is perhaps a little pongy.

Airport Check in

Post 44

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Pondered this for 42 minutes. emailed 42 friends what to do. No replies. Would you like to be my new friend he pitifully wails

Airport Check in

Post 45

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Oops too hasty, some sheila called Mandy wants to ring me. What does this mean?

Airport Check in

Post 46

Brox (a.k.a. Researcher 43342)

small niniture poodle wonders by and piddles on left leg. kicks dog and then is beeten down by old lady with umberilla.

Airport Check in

Post 47

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

No doubt purchased from Umbrellas R Us, thay delightful little shop in Tunbridge Wells

Airport Check in

Post 48


Was the poodles name Evelyn, and was she a modified dog.

Airport Check in

Post 49

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Evelyn the modified dog should meet Dolly the cloned sheep. They could gambol together while changing the environment so Americans can feel more at home wherever they go

Airport Check in

Post 50


Modified dogs with cloned sheep, would that give the Yanks sweaters that bite, lamb with rabies. I think they have enough problems as it is.
Beam me up scotty

Airport Check in

Post 51

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

at least you wouldn't have to spend the money on the sheep and on the sheepdog

Airport Check in

Post 52

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

And big American dog food company Heinz would go broke. Passes around celebratory bottles of Coke.

Airport Check in

Post 53


Good point, but would the vet bills be huge as they are dealing with something completely different.
I'd rather see a cross between a Gin and Tonic myself. Far more satisfying.

Airport Check in

Post 54

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

GinXTonic - sorry

Airport Check in

Post 55


Yes, while you are waiting in the airport lounge, an instant gin and tonic.
Better yet anywhere, a bit of telekinesis and whoomph, instant G & T.

Airport Check in

Post 56

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

One Gin and Tonic coming right in on runway 2. Sorry about the Flying Fox, all the pigeons are on war duty in Kosovo.

Airport Check in

Post 57

Brox (a.k.a. Researcher 43342)

that beast would truel be scarry if it contracted mange and started frothing at the mouth...am i talking about the sheep/dog or the man waiting for the gin&tonic?

Airport Check in

Post 58

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

If it was eating genetically modified grass, there is the possibility the froth is milk or would that be too much of a daggy, shaggy dog story

Airport Check in

Post 59

Brox (a.k.a. Researcher 43342)

would this modified grass be in the form of a really hot cup of tea? that's the best generator of brownien motion you know.

Airport Check in

Post 60

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

No I didn't know that. Thank-you. I did know about the mythical brownies (elfs) who did amazing things at night with grass.

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