A Conversation for h2g2 New Users

Movies !!!!!!

Post 1


Well till the h2g2 people make the final setups for more official forums to exist (apart from our own User pages where noone can see the forums there) ... lets use this as a sub-forum where we can:

- post a review/opinion of a movie we recently saw at the cinemas
- request an opinion of a movie we are about to see
- make comments about our fave or worst films

Movies !!!!!!

Post 2

Blood Angel

Why not submit a guide entry to movies, then people could get to a forum from there.

Movies !!!!!!

Post 3


Anyone seen THE FACULTY ? ... if yes is it worth seeing ?

Movies !!!!!!

Post 4

Blood Angel

Austin Powers is brilliant


Post 5


I saw thew Mummy.... PG rating with a lot of scary details and very little blood. I enjoyed it very much, verry very much. A lot of silly jokes and thrills, but a good story nonetheless. Think Boris Karloof, 90's style and wuth a twist.


Post 6

Angel (no. 32883)

What does anyone know about the new Austin Powers?
Should be good.


Post 7

Blood Angel

Right, apparently Dr.Evil goes back in time to steal Austin's mojo so the film is set in past and present.
I know other little bits but can't be bothered to write them here.#

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