A Conversation for h2g2 New Users

Landing of Aliens ! - see it first in my page !

Post 1


Heheehehe - I hope the Aliens stuff caught your eye !... well if you like surfing,
visit my webpage by CLICKING
HERE . It has lots stuff including Simpsons, Pink Floyd, IRC , Cool descripotions
of other links and More. A new Browser will open so you wont lose the H2G2 page
smiley - smiley) If you like post some comments here about my page. hehehehe I do love this
H2G2 page !!!!!!!!!!!

Landing of Aliens ! - see it first in my page !

Post 2


Aghhhhhhhh ... do so by CLICKING
HERE . Use this link ... NOT ABOVE !!!!!!

Landing of Aliens ! - see it first in my page !

Post 3



Landing of Aliens ! - see it first in my page !

Post 4


Fine i SUCK ... I know !!!!!!!!!!!! gawddddddddddd ... !!!!!!!!!

Landing of Aliens ! - see it first in my page !

Post 5


Well if you are still not fed up with my lameness just open a new browser and visit: http://www.cypriot.demon.co.uk

Landing of Aliens ! - see it first in my page !

Post 6

Blood Angel

No offence or nothing but it's kind of lame.It's well laid out but there is nothing interesting on it.

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