A Conversation for h2g2 New Users


Post 1


During the TW launch, an example was given of using this site to post a comment about a restaurant.

Couldn't this be used as a kind of advertisement? Don't the terms of h2g2 forbid that? Please elucidate!


Post 2

Slow walker

Elucidate ? You filthy beast.


Post 3


LOL ... OK, SlowWalker, you've found me out! Or perhaps I should say you have made me lucid or clear, or even thrown light upon me!


Post 4

Bernadette Lynn_ Home Educator

It's only advertising if you work for or own the restaurant. Honest opinion is what we mean.

And anyway, think about what an advertiser would get - a ton of responses telling him what people really think about the product/service. That's the true power of the Guide, and what we'll be trying to harness.


Post 5


Thank you, James. I hoped that would be the answer. I guess I'm just an old cynic who thought someone might dress up advertising in the guise of honest opinion.

It's a great site, and about time that something like this was launched in the UK. Good luck to you all!

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