A Conversation for h2g2 New Users

How do I put an article in

Post 1

Researcher 30982

I've made a personal page with some details, now where do I go to put in an article?

How do I put an article in

Post 2


Yes and yes again!

Is this an idea befor its time I ask?
I know its Tomorrows World . . .

How do I put an article in

Post 3


In order to submit an entry, please go to the main "Don't Panic" page (via the eponymous button), and look for the link to "Frequently Asked Questions" - this should get you going.


How do I put an article in

Post 4

Bob the Dancing Monk

And once you do that, if you want to submit it for Rejection to the Guide Editors, go back and edit it, and press the button at the bottom..
Then shake the magic 8-ball.

How do I put an article in

Post 5


Add a new user page????????
That button is not on my home bit????

How do I put an article in

Post 6

Smiley Ben

see 'posting entries' thread - I'm fed up of repeating myself - or look on your journal page.

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