A Conversation for Newcomers' Welcome Page

Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 81

Matthew Kershaw

* Disproving the maxim that you never see the two of them in the same room at the same time... smiley - winkeye *

Hello Abi !!!

Could you please refresh my memory as to where the H2G2 towers are located ?



Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 82


what physically?

Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 83

Matthew Kershaw


Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 84


Covent Garden

*Goes into cockney mode! "All I want is a room somewhere..."

Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 85

Matthew Kershaw

Given that you have time on Fridays to answer such questions...

That would make you Ms.Abi Doolittle...!!! smiley - bigeyes

Mind you, you can be 'My Fair Lady' anytime... smiley - winkeye

Or indeed my er...Pygmalion smiley - smiley

* Well she does rather 'hog' the spotlight on occassions... smiley - smiley *


Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 86


*splutters into her tea!*


Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 87

Matthew Kershaw


See above for over dramatic reaction,
found mostly amongst theatre types...


Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 88


Is GOD going to play this practical joke on me or what? smiley - winkeye

Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 89

Matthew Kershaw

* M warming to the task... *

Now he IS a show-off !!! smiley - winkeye


Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 90


* HE wanders over with a tray of brownies... *

* HE looks guilty, real guilty... smiley - winkeye *

Would you like one, my dear...???

smiley - fish

Newcomers Welcome w/c June 26th

Post 91


Well they look quite tempting but I am watching what I eat! smiley - smiley

Reality went ---> That Way...

Post 92


* HE groans... smiley - winkeye *

* HE thinks to himself 'No More Mr.Niceguy !!!' *

* HE ponders that 'Alright, still Mr.Niceguy with just a trace of Impishness... smiley - winkeye *

* The electric kettle suddenly starts to boil away furiously as the room starts to fill with a blanket of stream... *

* Abi begins to feel a little light-headed as the vapour fill her lungs... *

* HE has a VERY impish look on his face... *

* Abi has a VERY worried look on hers *

* Abi's mind begins to clock over faster than a speedometer, just before a dodgy car salesmen sells a banger... *

* Normally, walls usually keep to themselves, they hardly ever barge into you in hallways, and even if they do, you are invariably at fault... *

* Under normal circumstances Past & Present aren't usually interchangeable, even if only for practicalities sake. I mean, one usually likes to avoid making mistakes, but when they're coming to get you, it generally unnerves the most sane of people... *

* Subconscious mindsets usually don't come out before sunset, these creatures of the night really aren't equipped for the rigours of socialising. Just when you think things are going swimmingly in conversation, suddenly it pounces and announces to the world 'That you know, I wet the bed well into the 3rd grade...!!! *

* This is all very nice, but what does this have to do with our humble Abi, I here you say ? *

* The toxin in the air is gradually peeling back her subconscious
& her grip on reality. The novocaine in the mix is freeing her mouth to talk, the helium compound released is making her voice 'funny'... *

* It is then without a trace of freewill to stop, she dives into a dramatic, long, monologue about all the most embarrassing events in her life thus far...!!! *

* Unleashing all the unresolved tensions in her subconscious, psychiatrists would under normal circumstances, run screaming the other way to avoid...!!! *

* Stripping bare her normally secret motivations, that she has thus far relied upon, to get her what she wants out of life... *

Hmmm...You were saying ???

smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish - Moving In VERY Mysterious Ways.

Reality went ---> That Way...

Post 93


That is all very well GOD but I have already revealed all about Liam Gallagher and Des O'Conor so I am not revealing anything new!

Nice try though smiley - winkeye

Reality went ---> That Way...

Post 94


Liam Gallagher!!?

Reality went ---> That Way...

Post 95

Matthew Kershaw

* He enters with a gas mask... smiley - winkeye *

Joanna, You were saying... ??? smiley - bigeyes


Reality went ---> That Way...

Post 96

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*remembers the Liam Gallagher story and sniggers*

Reality went ---> That Way...

Post 97


exaclty! smiley - smiley

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