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Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 1

Zak T Duck

Why not turn all the smileys into pin badges, and then sell them in the h2g2 shop?

The Goo and Alabaster versions of the logo will also make nice badges, and you could also do some special ones for Aces, Sub Eds, Scouts, Gurus, etc.

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 2


That's a really nice idea Croz! I'll suggest it to Maz the ecommerce manager...

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 3

Zak T Duck

I've already made a prototype version of the Scout badge, and also the goo and alabaster logos. I'll be bringing them to the meet if you want to have a look at what they'll probably turn out like.

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 4


I like too! Yes me like!
Hee hee hee.

/me sets aside some money to buy them. Will spend it on Pringles if the badges don't get made.

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 5

Zak T Duck

Mmmmmmmmmmm Pringles.

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 6


I would gladly throw down a little cash so that I could actually wear an ACE badge. Great Idea!smiley - winkeye

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 7


And that duck looked so good wearing one...

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 8

Ear Parcel

i'm terribly new to the whole h2g2 movement (not a movement, a revolution!) and even i am compelled by the idea of a little pin or badge. it would go well with the rest of my collection, and feed my craving for all things Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. yes... good.

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 9


A Scout badge - what a nice idea smiley - clown

Three little words...h2g2 pin badges!

Post 10

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Tinkerbell badge!!!
Not that I find having my own smiley amusing in any way...
smiley - fairy

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