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personal space HELP REQD...

Post 1


MR GURU ..I joined the bbc 606 football forum some time ago. I then found i had my own space on h2g2 and spent over a year learning guide html and
built what was considered by other posters a very good page with lots of movement and colours and other features.however the forum got to big
and so the beeb decided to change how it was set up.I now find that i have lost my work on my space and during the process of trying to rebuild my page when i go to a space of other 606'ers and try to test and check out "how to" it says "this guide entry has been deleted"


this space is similar to mine and if i test i get the delete message.does this mean that h2g2 was linked to 606 and so with no 606 forum no h2g2 space ??

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 2


Hi royal-biscuitsmiley - smiley

I recommend you check out F77636?thread=3517810 for some information concerning recent DNA changes impacting h2g2/606.

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 3

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit with a 'functioning' 606 page smiley - smiley
"Even more appropriate: < F77636?thread=3534297 >."

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 4


That's true, TiT - had that been posted at the time I posted, I would have posted it.

Come on, that must have made sense!smiley - biggrin

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 5


Thanks for the response..the link was useful but i am a little
miffed by the following--

" The upside is, 606 users will now be able to create Personal Spaces on their own site and will no longer need to use h2g2 for that service."

the space reffered to i assume is the new "members page " and it does not appear to support html..and anything i put on h2g2 space goes on the member page and doesn't look the way it's meant to.so i will finish with a text only page..ah well all good things i suppose..and thanks again EMR.

PS.just to sy how honoured i feel having had responses from such icons as..EMR and TIT

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 6

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I found that too - my 606 page is a shambles.

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 7


did you sign up to the new 606 MB as well?? i went to your space and it doesnt look to be particularly football related,however i tried to look at your html by using "test" and your site too came up as deleted..however it is still there unlike mine which was completely gone still if i can still edit i can try to rebuild.I also noted that your journal works ,mine has never worked but it looks as though it may now so if you need to keep abreast of whats happening to Reading FC check back any time.

Royal Biscuit

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 8

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

My space is the h2g2 one, so isn't particularly football related (bar links to Margate and Sunderland football clubs. Oh, still not football related...)

I hope the recent changes mean that I can tailor the 606 one to be more relevant, but I'm loathe to go mucking about until I know for sure. Mind you, I could just copy the PS into Notepad first.

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 9

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit waiting for the dust to come down
"As my Member page on the new 606 is premoderated smiley - huh It did show up smiley - ok when the board opened. (though)

My old mb606 page is hidden smiley - erm. Well we will figure out what it is for and what to do with it eventually. "

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 10


good idea i should have copied my PS html into notebook then
i wouldn't be having these problems..i will do that next time. in the meantime if you have not yet reregistered with 606 i wouldn't.smiley - smiley

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 11


No sorry your page is visable but if i want to look at your guideml
to see how you done some of it i use "testuserpage"and it was coming back as entry deleted but i tried it at 7pm and it was ok
so must have been a temp blip, or i done something wrong.

dont you find if you write on the new member page it overwrites your h2g2 PS, cos thats what mine done and i lost my work on my PS.
so i am going to avoid writing on the new member space until i find how to seperate the two.
smiley - sadface

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 12

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit already puzzling with this for a while
"Well the current situation seems to be:
As soon as you Sign-in to a DNA sub-site, the system creates you an new 'Masthead-Entry'. This is the place to store the introduction and where your message center is attached. This will be a copy from the page from the site you Registered with (mb606 6th november 2005).

Apparently you created your Personal Space introduction via the loophole, not Signing-in to HooToo, only visiting the site to use the links back to mb606. "

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 13


Am I an icon?smiley - erm Glad I could be of service...

personal space HELP REQD...

Post 14


you could be right "traveller"
i will try entering my space via h2g2 and see if it works alone.
i am sure the more i think about it as i write this that you are in fact spot on..thanks in advance..and yes of course EMR and TiT are icons to the little people like me .

smiley - biggrin

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