A Conversation for Talking Point: Tell us a Joke

A very bad joke to get you started!

Post 1

Boys and Cake Girl

A rabbit walks into a pub and orders a cheese toastie and pint of beer. The bar-man looks a little suprised but the rabbit has put money on the counter, so he serves him. The rabbit eats, drinks and leaves.

Next night the rabbit comes in again. He asks for a ham and cheese toastie and a beer. Pays, eats, drinks and leaves.

Third night the rabbit arrives. Same thing happens but he orders a cheese and mushroom toastie and beer. Pays, eats and leaves.

Next night, no sign of the rabbit. It gets to closing and the barman is clearing up. He gets a creepy feeling, turns round and sees the ghost of the rabbit standing in the doorway. The Barman summons his courage and asks 'How did you die? You seemed fit and healthy last night.' The rabbit shook his head and sadly said 'Mixing my toasties.'

A very bad joke to get you started!

Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


smiley - smiley

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