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sounds great

Post 1


Your article sounds great but I would love to see it get finished. It's not finished yet, right? There are a lot more steps that could help aspiring followers of the anarchist. I'd like to help.

sounds great

Post 2


you forgot 1 thing : drugs. all punk bands are related to them. some are addicts, some are vehemently opposed, but drugs factor into every punk band from The Ramones to Bad Religion to Minor Threat.other than that, i think you hit the nail on the head or whatever.

sounds great

Post 3

Phil Rose esq

I think that's true. For myself I am vehemently indifferent to drugs.
What about the Manic Street Preachers? Are/were they punk rock? They don't seem to have much of an opinion on drugs.
You also forgot Situationist theory. It is relevant though the only reason I put it in is to sound smart when actually I'm a dunce.
And as for seminal fluid punk albums, what about Never Mind the B******s? If that's your favourite punk album (and if it is then that necessitates it being your favourite album full stop) then you should go to Oxfam and buy an old man's cardigan and cut it up with a razor blade.
Now THERE's a band with one (dead) member vehemently into drugs and one (alive) vehemently opposed to (hard) drugs. Makes you think,no? No, nor me.

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