The Positive Aspect of Negative Thinking...but not really

Hello, I was told to write an introduction by the computer, and I have no idea what to put so I'll just put down some impressions you would get of me if you were to meet me in person. I'm ridiculously short (5'8"), relatively big (but no longer fat, I am happy to say) and have black hair which is arranged into some anti-social pattern using hair gel so I can officially look punk rock enough to whine about the government and society and why I can't seem to have any friends. I am usually wearing a t-shirt displaying the logo of one of the innumerable bands I listen to, a flannel shirt over that, and over that the Magic Safety-Pin shirt of Atrophy and I Hate You. Khaki pants stained beyond all recognition of the color 'khaki', some dog tags, a sefety-pin necklace and a safety-pin bracelet on each hand. That is me, in a nutshell.

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London calling... May 15, 2001


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Researcher U175598


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