A Conversation for Christmuse Dinner

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 21

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::Plato waves bye bye::

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 22

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

Hello! I heard there was a Christmuse party going on here...

Dragongly, I hope you don't mind, I didn't bring the cactus, but I brought my darling cat, Misha instead

smiley - blackcat

*Misha recognises Dragonfly as a cat-lover and rubs against her legs*

Awww, isn't he cute

*Spies mistletoe, picks Misha up and kisses him*

smiley - kiss

I thought I saw another kitty around here, I'll kiss him when I see him again.

smiley - smiley

Now, for donuts (glad it's cold in here, it's bloody hot where I live right now smiley - winkeye)

Is there any mulled wine?

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 23

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

*Spies Plato*

smiley - kiss

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 24

The Fish

smiley - fish...OOo..oOoo..ooO..Oooo...smiley - smiley

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 25

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Tee hee hee!!! Glad you are here!!! Glad to meet your cat!!! We might have a cat show later on... smiley - smiley

::sings:: Mull of Kintyre!!! smiley - tongueout

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 26

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*smiles at the cats*
There's getting to be quite a collection of pets on h2g2.

That reminds me, Afgncaap5 left a venus flytrap named Violet with me this spring. She grew quite rapidly, and after we transplanted her into the lower half of a barrel with wheels, she grew a second head and then a runner. We changed her name to Violets.

And to cut a long story short, she's gone missing, and I think she's using the runner to haul herself along. If you see her, please let me know. And don't let your cats stray too far!

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 27


Greetings, everyone!! smiley - biggrin

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 28

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

And howdy doody and G'day! smiley - smiley

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 29


*spots the mistletoe*

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 30

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

*Ducks under it*

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 31


*kisses her King*
smiley - smooch

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 32

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

smiley - fish
.oooo..o..oOoo..oOoo..OOO.. ..oooo..ooO..OOo..OOO.. ..OOo..oOoo..oO..Ooo.. ..O..OOO.. ..ooo..o..o.. ..OoOO..OOO..ooO.. ..OO..oO..Ooo..o.. ..oo..O.smiley - fish
.oooo..o..oOoo..oOoo..OOO.. ..oooo..ooO..OOo..OOO.. ..OOo..oOoo..oO..Ooo.. ..O..OOO.. ..ooo..o..o.. ..OoOO..OOO..ooO.. ..OO..oO..Ooo..o.. ..oo..O.

smiley - smiley

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 33

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)


I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 34


::a loud heavy-metal version of Jingle Bells is heard from a corner of the room, played on one guitar--reminding you of Jimi Hendrix's version of 'The Star-Spangled Banner'::

Alriiiiight!! I got my stuff set up! Now let's get this party started! And I heard someone mention a bar! Point me to the Christmuse cheer!

Requests, tips, and drinks are welcome as always... smiley - smiley

Marc the One-Man Jam Session

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 35


Wow! You speak "bubble" fluidly - just like a native ... hehehe Nice to see you again, btw!

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 36

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

*kisses his Queen*
smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 37


Says to marc the one man jam session "always check that no one has thoughtfully turned any of your equipment off for you a few minutes before you start to perform" This one has caught me out in the past, and it is not easy to start part way through a song that everyone else hasstarted, cos your amp, keyboard, guitar etc has been turned off for you without telling you. smiley - winkeye hands marc a pan galactic gargle blaster while setting up the portable wind-up antique gramaphone that he pulled out of his rather spacious magical pockets. now where are those 78's ....

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 38

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

Hey Kes!

Hoopy Christmuse

Yep, always on the lookout to expand my multi-lingual talents smiley - smiley

(In this case, though I cheat a little bit... smiley - winkeye have a look at the links on my page)

smiley - holly

*gives Kes a Christmuse kiss*

*strokes Misha who is sitting on Tashall's lap, out of people's way*

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 39


(Guessed you may have used the Translator, but couldn't pass up the chance of a pun ....)

*Wipes cheek, look upwards*

...and there wasn't even any mistletoe! smiley - blush

So this is Misha ...

*offers back of hand to be sniffed*
..that'll be Plato and Sopho you can smell ... you've met them, I think ...

I thought we agreed we wrnt celabrating christmass ;-)

Post 40

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

* makes a dashing entrance *

I'm back, everyone! How have you all been?

* feels something rubbing against his leg *

What's that... oh, I tawt I taw a puddy tat! I did! I did see a puddy tat!

*spies another cat *

God, they're everywhere!

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