A Conversation for Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Alternative Writing Workshop: A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 1


Entry: Portrayal of the British in Asterix books - A479595
Author: Inkwash - U160431

This is already an entry at A565616, but there were about three major alterations I wanted to make to the final edited version, which I have incorporated herein...

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 2



If you aren't happy with the editing of an entry/ feel it needs an update then I think you need to take it up with the editors, but I'm not sure...

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 3



I followed the instructions on the Review pages the best I could and they led me here. What would one do if the sub-ed had ceased to log-on to H2G2?

(not that Sea has, she's still around, but that's beside the point)

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 4


Good Question! I think you'd have to go have a chat with the italics [editors] about it to see what happens...

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 5

LL Waz

I'm glad you posted it here because that's how I came across it. Did you get anywhere with asking the editors about it Inkwash? Failing that perhaps the thing to do is post a link to your revised version in a thread from the existing entry.

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 6

a girl called Ben

This is very good.

I would suggest dropping by Jimster's u-space and seeing what he can do. U292



A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 7



You should put this in Peer Review. If the general consensus is that it's a good entry, it will probably be updated. You should take the edited entry and add your work to it before you put it in PR though.

smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 8


I'm quite confused about this one, smiley - doh.

Can't find a PR thread anywhere, but clearly it has been edited... Seems like Inkwash wanted to update it, so put it in here?

One way or another, i can't see what it's doing in the AWW.

So, anybody object to this thread being sent back to the entry?

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 9


No objections here. I was under the impression that there was a way to update Edited Entries. Of course, I'm under a lot of impressions.

smiley - aliensmile

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 10


smiley - boing


A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 11

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - biggrin

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 12


Though there doesn't seem to be any real difference between the Edited and this version.smiley - huh


A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 13

SashaQ - happysad

I see from Pliny that the Entry was updated in 2004 smiley - ok

This thread can go Back to Entry now - strange that it wasn't moved when the Update was applied, but there we go...

A479595 - Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Post 14

h2g2 Guide Editors

Moved back to entry.

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