A Conversation for Portrayal of the British in Asterix books

Rowong skills of the Oxbrigienses

Post 1

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)


I just love this entry. What a great idea for one!

I'm German so I mostly read Asterix in German but I have two books in English - and one of them is "Asterix in Britain". It's so funny!

You mention the way some cliches are quoted like the weather...

I thought, that the way Anticlimax is rowing his "little jolly-boat" is terrific, too. And when the narrator tells the reader that he "brought up in the tribe of the Oxbrigienses" - so very funny!

Methos smiley - peacedove who hopes that you got your updated version in the guide

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Rowong skills of the Oxbrigienses

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