A Conversation for Conspiracy Theories


Post 21

Noggin the Nog

Occams Razor (named after the fourteenth century scholar William of Ockham) is a principle of explanation that states that one should not multiply entities beyond what is necessary to explain something.

In this instance if you can explain something by reference to natural laws, then God, as an additional entity, is unnecessary.



Post 22

What_is_life? v3.01 [RCHD] Through the Star Gate

or to put it simply: 'the simplest explanation is usually the best.'


Post 23

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"


smiley - boing


Post 24



Come on guys, how can you say religion is a conspiracy.

God is not a conspiracy.

He is the only real and permanent thing in this universe.

Everything else is on the go.

Scientists tell us that eventually everything in the Universe will end.

We muslims did not invent God.

Billions of people believe in God.

Devil is the only conspirer.


Post 25

What_is_life? v3.01 [RCHD] Through the Star Gate

i'm on your side Omrow.

I'm a christian but when all different religions from different places in the world all believe in what is essentially the same god, you know there's ground to it.


Post 26

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

~*~Come on guys, how can you say religion is a conspiracy.~*~

I'm not.

~*~God is not a conspiracy.~*~

Never said he was.

~*~He is the only real and permanent thing in this universe.~*~

Wait a second. You mean that this aluminum can next to me isn't real? That I'm really in some dream world?

~*~Everything else is on the go.~*~

No......../Everything/ is on the go.

~*~Scientists tell us that eventually everything in the Universe will end.~*~

So.......Just to clarify....... You listen to scientists when they tell you we're all gonna' die......But /not/ when they say that the String Theory could explain the creation of the Universe? smiley - erm

~*~We muslims did not invent God.~*~

Not by yourselves.

~*~Billions of people believe in God.~*~

Billions of people believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny too! Bada-Bing! smiley - tongueout

~*~Devil is the only conspirer.~*~

Yes.................Keep thinking that..............smiley - evilgrin

~*~I'm a christian but when all different religions from different places in the world all believe in what is essentially the same god, you know there's ground to it.~*~

See, no I don't. Because God as an inherent concept /is/ essentially the same no matter how you look at it. And as a result all this proves is that humans as a group all possess the same core insecurities.

smiley - boing

Ultimate conspiracy

Post 27


the reason for the apparent paradox of there being several gods is that religion is a personal experience just like life. every one believes that they live the RIGHT way, that their way is best. and this is before you take religion into account. once religion enters the equation things get out of hand.
personally i beleive we should be free to live however we wish to as long as it doesn't take advantage of or hurt others in any way. my beleif is founded in yoga philosophy, but buddhism is fairly similar.christianity nearly took hold due to my friend's advice. but i couldn't get around several problems with this religion, the main one that comes to mind, already mentioned in another posting, is the 'faith' thing - beleiving blindly without asking questions. but supposing there is another force out there somewhere attemting to gain control surely one of the best ways to gain this control would be to ask you to believe without question.


who knows. but from the events of the last few years its looking very likely:-

cards instead of cash - so we cannot buy or sell or get hold of money by any means except by being slaves to a system.

id cards - this being stage one. stage two is being chipped, this microchip will include all our records from doctor,dentists to how much we earn,owe. this chip will also be used to track our movements.when enforced there will be no choices, have the chip or, well that'll be up to government won't it!

ban religion - now it has appeared on tv about how religion is the cause of terrorism, and should we do without it? religion in any form is something humanity desperately needs, as long as it's positive and beneficial to all. unlike some i won't mention. if you look at your own limited little life you see that all this is a problem. how will you go on? what's going to happen to you? to your family,friends?

if you look at the larger view, whether real or not is up to you and your belief's, the spiritual view, you'll see everything has it's place and is working out the way it should.

does that mean we let people, governments take advantage of us? like hell it does!! there will come some major event within next ten years to cause the world population to fear for their safety, the reason for this to make the population beleive that being chipped, using cards instead of cash and banning religion is all in the interests of humanity, when it is really opposed to it. or at least to it's own free self-expression. even now we are not free to express ourselves and it will not improve but only get worse until every one of us faces up to the fact our life on this planet needs to change. we all have to work together not just in our own little circle of friends and family but help anyone who enters our life.

does god exist? i beleive so, yes. but not as some tangible form but something far more subtle.

if so which one? that is entirely up to you. god does not have preferences or desires 'he' is above and beyond such things. the reason for different forms for different religions is due to different people's experiences.every has a different perception, though some see the same, many differ. it's due to this difference of perception that spiritual experiences are often portrayed in different ways. jesus experienced it one way people liked what they witnessed it caught on. buddha experienced it another way so others followed that path according to their own preferences. it's that simple.

why doesn't 'he' do something? god isn't our 'minder'! 'he' is our friend. their to advise us but only if we take the trouble to listen carefully at 'his' messages. we get these messages all the time, but due to our preoccupation with external life, we miss those subtle feelings that guide us. occasionally we might notice them and we wonder how we knew something or why it happenned etc.

peace and friendship be unto all
your comments are welcome, though i'll be surprised if this gets posted!!!


Post 28


It's all true.... God IS an astronaut, Oz IS over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live.

But really, organized religion is the biggest conspiracy theory/scam the world has ever seen. JFK and 9/11 are peanuts compared to a worldwide devotion to an imaginary figure.

Speaking of 9/11, that one's easy -- the USA is worried about the Taliban taking over control of the Afghanistan opium trade. So they decide to blow up their own buildings, so they can blame the Taliban for it. This does several things: Allows a weak and ineffectual government to rule its people with fear and paranoia; gives everyone a common enemy to boo and hiss at, thus diverting attention away from the government, and allows everyone a reason to grieve and fret, so the government can say "there, there". Oh, and meanwhile the CIA and the Taliban are sitting back smoking opium together.


Post 29


Does anyone else notice that strong smell that seems to be strung throughout this conversation. Breath deeply... its coming... oh! Wait! Its BULLSHIT!


Post 30


It is of note how humans need something spooky to keep them ammused. Why is it that ET's are never seen as nerds?


Post 31

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

~*~your comments are welcome, though i'll be surprised if this gets posted!!!~*~

Why? This is a conversation thread, everything gets posted.

~*~Does anyone else notice that strong smell that seems to be strung throughout this conversation. Breath deeply... its coming... oh! Wait! Its BULLSHIT!~*~


smiley - boing


Post 32


Look it up on h2g2

Ultimate conspiracy

Post 33


of course theres only one god but its our god?not yourssmiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - ermhttp://www.h2g2.com/h2g2/skins/brunel/images/buttons/erm.gif


Post 34


yeah what is accams razor does it really prove /disprove if there is a god,dog spelt backwords doo d doo doo in (e)


Post 35


Urban legends have replaced folk tales and UFO sitings have stood for ghost stories. I always find it a tadd odd how anal prodding is a popular motif in alot of the alien abduction tales. Would a species far more advanced than our really come all those light years to bugger a clever tool making primate?
As far a 9-11 goes the simple explaination is that a group of sociopaths got lucky. Since then we have avenged this horror by killing almost the same number of Americans in Iraq as perished that Tuesday morning in 2001.
No conspiracy needed, stupidity will drive most tragedies quite nicely.


Post 36

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

There is no immediate/direct connection between Iraq and 9/11. We didn't even /go/ to Iraq until years afterward. You may claim that we never would have if 9/11 hadn't happened, to which I reply, go study history.

smiley - boing

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