A Conversation for Talking Point: The Dating Game - Lonely Hearts

Devil seeks...

Post 1

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Overlord of all evil seeks like-minded fount of depravity for twisted, dark and evil sexual acts. Love not necessary.

Stats -
Age: Eternal.
Height: 6ft-150ft, depending on mood.
Weight: More than you.
Colour of horns: Bone white.
Colour of eyes: Glowing red.
Likes: Torturing, Darkness, Conquering Empires, Tempting Mortals, Destroying Worlds, Strawberry ice cream.
Dislikes: Holiness, Light, Crosses, Prayer, Kittens, Faith, Love.
Smoking: You will.

Devil seeks...

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flies off to phone Mina*

Devil seeks...

Post 3

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Well? Where are all my adoring worshippers?

smiley - devil

Devil seeks...

Post 4


Perhaps an alternative header would be: Prince of Evil seeks Princess?

Devil seeks...

Post 5

Neugen Amoeba

Now I've heard it mentioned on more than one occasion, then when you succumb to the pleasures of the flesh, you "submit to the Devil".

By that statement, and considering the promiscuity of today's society, the Devil does not go without gratification for long.....

Devil seeks...

Post 6

Martin Harper

...which is only natural, seeing as he's so horny...

{sorry, sorry}

Devil seeks...

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin

Devil seeks...

Post 8

Neugen Amoeba

....not neccessarily a "he"!

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