A Conversation for Essential Items to Take on Holiday


Post 1

Martin Harper

I've never seen the point of taking any significatnt quantity of money abroad - in any civilised place, you can find a hole-in-the-wall that takes visa, and my building society(nationwide, uk) debit card gives me commision-free withdrawals. The rate of exchange isn't great - but when you compare it to the trials of taking too much money, too little money, and the risk getting robbed of a few hundred pounds right at the start of your hols, it starts to just blatantly make more sense...

So I tend to take just enough to last me until I find a cash machine - perhaps $50 - and then take $50 out of the wall whenever I find myself running short. To keep track of how much I'm spending, I keep all the receipts next to the card.


Post 2


That's a good plan but after a nasty experience I had in Australia I would always recommend keeping some travellers cheques on hand. I stayed in Sydney for 6 months and opened an ANZA bank account. I routinely took money out of my Canadian bank account and deposited it to my ANZA account then used the ANZA card for purchases and withdrawals so I didn't get zapped $2 for every transaction.
It was a wonderful system until one day my ANZA debit card was de-magnetized. No problem - I went in and they replaced it the same day. A couple of days later I found my Royal Bank debit card was de-magnetized. BIG problem! They would not courier me a replacement card, my ANZA account was running low and I was stuck 10,000 miles from home with no money and 2 months left before I was due to go home smiley - sadface Phone banking to the rescue - I called Canada, transferred money to my VISA, then did a cash withdrawal from that. When I got home I asked the bank to issue me a new debit card and a spare, in case this happened again but apparently they won't do that. You get one card - that's it! I left shortly after that for 3 months in England and I was a little more careful about having cash & travellers cheques on hand. I no longer trust ATMs to take care of me.
Oh, by the way, the culprit that de-magnetized my cards was the electronic security key for the elevator in my building. I put my keys in the same pocket as my bank cards when I went for a walk. That's what killed them. Something to keep in mind if you stay at an apartment or hotel with electronic passes.


Post 3

Martin Harper

I went in a group of friends, and relied on it being unlikely that we would all simultaneously lose our debit cards... smiley - winkeye

American Express is one card that is meant to offer you instant replacements if you lose it - so maybe that would work well?

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