A Conversation for The Controversy Surrounding the Origins of the Taj Mahal
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Tej - O - Mahal
vishwapatil Posted Nov 12, 2005
In P.N.Oaks book i have read that Shahajahan was unable to arrange the wood required for the writing Quranic inscriptions on the outer wall of the Tajamahal. If this is true then the Tajamahal is not at all built by the Shahajahan. If this was the case then it is impossible to complete the marble inlay inside the tomb also isnt it? My second question is The taj as they say has one mosque and otherone is nagarakhana. THEN THERE IS NO MINARET AT ALL OUTSIDE THE SO CALLED MOSQUE therefore this also proves that the mosque is also not there. This also proves that the Taj mahal is not at all
Built by the Shahajahan
Vishwanath B.Patil
[email protected]
Tej - O - Mahal
Kal-ke Posted Nov 21, 2005
its simple -
let as many people, Hindu or not, know about it......
the FACT that a film is being made about the FALSE version of the TAJ MAHALS history goes to show that this is an attempt to cover up history and re-write the minds of hindus.....
the above link also comes with photographic evidence.......
its not just the TAJ MAHAL that has been taken in this way but also the KAABA - where there is a SHIV LING......
it would be stupid of the hindus to let this slip from under our feet but at the same time its a sensitive topic.....
we cannot blame the Muslims and the Islam of today cos of the actions of the past.......
The 3rd Side of a Koin.....
The Beginning and the End.....
link to my unfinished website - (but available for a sneak preview)
Tej - O - Mahal
Kal-ke Posted Nov 21, 2005
its simple -
let as many people, Hindu or not, know about it......
the FACT that a film is being made about the FALSE version of the TAJ MAHALS history goes to show that this is an attempt to cover up history and re-write the minds of hindus.....
the above link also comes with photographic evidence.......
its not just the TAJ MAHAL that has been taken in this way but also the KAABA - where there is a SHIV LING......
it would be stupid of the hindus to let this slip from under our feet but at the same time its a sensitive topic.....
we cannot blame the Muslims and the Islam of today cos of the actions of the past.......
The 3rd Side of a Koin.....
The Beginning and the End.....
Link to unfinished website - but ready for a sneak preview...
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted Nov 26, 2005
Oh yeah, even the Kaaba was a hindu temple. Here's the Link to Shri P N Oak's article http://www.hinduism.co.za/kaabaa.htm
Few excerpts from the article:
Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Temple?
By P.N. Oak (Historian)
Glancing through some research material recently, I was pleasantly surprised to come across a reference to a king Vikramaditya inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire.
The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says:
"Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest."
For those who would like to read the Arabic wording I reproduce it hereunder in Roman script:
"Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary BIKRAMATUM".
(Page 315 Sayar-ul-okul).
[Note: The title ‘Sayar-ul-okul’ signifies memorable words.]
The first modern edition of ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ was printed and published in Berlin in 1864. A subsequent edition is the one published in Beirut in 1932.
The collection is regarded as the most important and authoritative anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. It throws considerable light on the social life, customs, manners and entertainment modes of ancient Arabia. The book also contains an elaborate description of the ancient shrine of Mecca, the town and the annual fair known as OKAJ which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca. This should convince readers that the annual haj of the Muslims to the Kaaba is of earlier pre-Islamic congregation.
But the OKAJ fair was far from a carnival. It provided a forum for the elite and the learned to discuss the social, religious, political, literary and other aspects of the Vedic culture then pervading Arabia. ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ asserts that the conclusion reached at those discussions were widely respected throughout Arabia. Mecca, therefore, followed the Varanasi tradition (of India) of providing a venue for important discussions among the learned while the masses congregated there for spiritual bliss. The principal shrines at both Varanasi in India and at Mecca in Arvasthan (Arabia) were Siva temples. Even to this day ancient Mahadev (Siva) emblems can be seen. It is the Shankara (Siva) stone that Muslim pilgrims reverently touch and kiss in the Kaaba.
Arabic tradition has lost trace of the founding of the Kaaba temple. The discovery of the Vikramaditya inscription affords a clue. King Vikramaditya is known for his great devotion to Lord Mahadev (Siva). At Ujjain (India), the capital of Vikramaditya, exists the famous shrine of Mahankal, i.e., of Lord Shankara (Siva) associated with Vikramaditya. Since according to the Vikramaditya inscription he spread the Vedic religion, who else but he could have founded the Kaaba temple in Mecca?
A few miles away from Mecca is a big signboard which bars the entry of any non-Muslim into the area. This is a reminder of the days when the Kaaba was stormed and captured solely for the newly established faith of Islam. The object in barring entry of non-Muslims was obviously to prevent its recapture.
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted Nov 26, 2005
visit this link to know a lot more http://islamreview.org/KoranKafir/appendix4.html
and if you are really angry about what's happening to Hinduism and Hindu and can digest hard facts thrown on your face go to this link and also to its homepage
Here are a couple of Poems from Sayar-ul-okul
(Quoting Shri SHRIRAM SATHE in his book "Hindu Rashtra")
A POEM SAYAR-UL-OKUL BY LABIBIN AKHTAF BIN TURFA who lived a 1000 years before Prophet Mohammed runs as follows:
Aya mubarakel araz yu saiye noha milan HINDE
Va aradakallah maniyonanjel Jikaratun (1)
Vahal tajalliyatun enane sahabi akhaatun jikata
Vahaje hi yonajjelurrasul milan HINDATUN (2)
Yekulunallahah ya ahajal araja alamin kullaham
Fattabeu jikaratul Vada hakkuna majam yobajjelatun (3)
Va hova alamusSAM vala YAJURa mehallahe tanajilana,
Faainaoma ya aravaiyo muttabean yo basseri yo najatun (4)
Va isanen huma RIK ATAR nasihin ka akhavatun
Va asnata ala rudan Vohova masaeratun (5)
(Sayar-ul-okul -Page. 157)
Virtuous Hindu Land, Thou art Fortunate. Because the Lord has chosen you fo bestowing His wisdom and knowledge, His knowledge, which illumines the world like the four lamp posts, is revealed in four forms through Hindu sages. The Lord commanded the entire mankind to follow the Vedas which contained His knowledge and lead their lives according to them. That store of knowledge, the Sama and Yajur(Vedas) is the Lord's boon. Hence, brothers! Look at those with reverence, because they show the path to salvation. Of those, the two-the Rik and Athar(Rig Veda and Atharvana Veda) teach us brotherhood. One who is illumined by those could never go back to darkness.
In SAYAR-UL-OKUL is a poem by UMAR-BINE-HASSNAM (Poetic Title: ABDUL-HAQIM meaning Father of Knowledge. Prejudiced muslims changed that name to "Abu Jihal" meaning "father of ignorance"). He was the elder brother of Prophet Mohammed's father. He refused to get converted to Islam. He died a martyr at the hands of Muslim fanatics who wanted to wipe out non-Muslims. This poem was adjudged as the best in the annual fair at Kaaba.
A man who has spent all his life in sin and immorality and has wasted away his life in passion and fury,
If he repents in the end and wants to return to morality, is there a way for his redemption?
Even if only once he sincerely worships Mahadeva, he can attain the highest position in the path of righteousness.
Oh Lord! Take away all my life and in return pray grant me even a single day's stay in Hind (India) as a man becomes spiritually free on reaching that holy land.
By dint of a pilgrimage of Hind a man attains the merit of noble deeds and gets the privilege of pious touch with ideal Hindu teachers.
Tej - O - Mahal
steelkathleen Posted Jan 3, 2006
i think they should leave the secrets of taj alone it is a big part of its charm
Tej - O - Mahal
trueindian Posted Jan 27, 2006
This is really a shocking and more of a ditching news for every Indian and to all the Hindus accros the globe. I please the Government of India atleast now to stop the political drama and to do some really important work.
It's not of who built this greate wonder. But it's about the real truth about the burried history.
Being an Indian I am interested to know about this truth.
I request the Government of India and the Archeology Department to exceive the truth.
Tej - O - Mahal
Alokiitk Posted Feb 8, 2006
are yaar yeh sab RSS ki jhoothi falayi hui khabar hai.
Its RRS who is playing with history.
Tej - O - Mahal
Kal-ke Posted Mar 22, 2006
heres a guy with photographic evidence.....
also did you know about the KABA and the 786?
What is the black stone in the KABA?
kaaba link and 786 number......with photos....
and another one......
What happened to Mohammed?
or about Mohammads uncle who was a devout SHIVA worshipper before he was murdered by Mohammed for resisting the conversion to Islam?
and on a seperate note if you don't like war read this poem...
and if you don't agree with the war listen to this....
check me out at my unfinished website for a sneak preview...
Tejo Mahalaya
ZafarMohammad Posted Mar 28, 2006
If you by accident buy a muslim home and came to know that there was one room which was used as a mosque, would you leave it as it is or would make it usable for you as you want?
I am not defending anyone. People try to argue on mere researches and create propoganda by politicising it, which is where we indians are good at whether muslim or Hindu for that matter.
If you have facts providing proofs for what you are stating then go ahead and approach the concerned people, anybody who can accept the truth will not have any problem with that, whether it is a muslim or hindu.
I hope this makes sense.
Proud Indian
Tejo Mahalaya
snowandflames Posted Mar 28, 2006
"anybody who can accept the truth will not have any problem with that, whether it is a muslim or hindu."
That is exactly the problem brother. If you are talking about approaching the deciding authorities, fat chance!
You just go through the conversations. Count how many of them accepted the truth. And the no.of people who said, though it may be convincing, but why tell the truth, why bother. Could you answer that 'why'?
Also, forgetting the past temple demolitions, should I stand a mute spectator if anymore is razed to the ground?
I say it is cruel to say that all Muslims are bad. I'll vehemently oppose it. 'Cos my best friend's a muslim.
Tej - O - Mahal
vedicpower Posted Apr 2, 2006
I thought you were calling on the Prime Minister. Prime Minister of the Hindus or Indians??? Hindus don't have a prime minister. The current Secular (emergency) rulers are offensive to Hindus. We need to set up an Hindu Government in exile. India is far too dangerious for Hindus.
Tej - O - Mahal
Munawar Posted Apr 13, 2006
To my perspective, this is an abstract case of discrimination that some pranks out there have pulled up to invoke racism among fellow Indians. Its just out of their mean and selfish gains ( whatever the means of gain may be ).
I as a proud Indian would like to pass this message out to my fellow Indians that, we ourselves arent out there to hatch a diry trap for us.
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted Apr 13, 2006
Hi Mr. Munawar,
I'm glad to see a proud Indian. People of such kind are wanting in India.
So, tell me what are the things which makes you proud of India?
It may help our brethren understand the greatness of this country Bharat, Hindusthan(the Land of Hindus). You never know!!!
Tej - O - Mahal
tj1987629 Posted Apr 15, 2006
the only thing that's making me curious is that why have the doors been sealed? why can't the public see those rooms? is whatever said about lord shiva's statues true?
well, if it is not true then it's all good but then if it is not true then i don't think there should be any religious fights or anything because whatever happened has happened in the past. it's not that the muslims still do it in today's date.
all i want to say is that whether it's true or not i personally don't think there should be religious issues among the 2 religions on this issue as whatever happened happened in the past and one has no rights to punish someone whose ancestors did a sin.
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted Apr 15, 2006
So, muslims dont do anything in today's date?
Then was it a coincidence that on 9/11 all the hijackers were muslims, those who laid siege to Akshardam, VaishnoDevi and Ayodhya Ram temples were muslims, those who attacked the Indian Parliament were muslims?
The problem is not with muslims, who are individuals but with islam.
Tej - O - Mahal
bhargavaayush Posted Apr 21, 2006
I think most of the people saying it was the temple of lord Shiva.so it might be true.
this topic is very serious topic.
Indin gov. shuld think about i
Tej - O - Mahal
syedsa Posted Apr 22, 2006
A mosque is a place of assembly for prayers - presence or absence of a minaret does not make a place a mosque.
Key: Complain about this post
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Tej - O - Mahal
- 21: vishwapatil (Nov 12, 2005)
- 22: Kal-ke (Nov 21, 2005)
- 23: Kal-ke (Nov 21, 2005)
- 24: snowandflames (Nov 26, 2005)
- 25: snowandflames (Nov 26, 2005)
- 26: naliniraj (Dec 29, 2005)
- 27: steelkathleen (Jan 3, 2006)
- 28: trueindian (Jan 27, 2006)
- 29: Alokiitk (Feb 8, 2006)
- 30: Kal-ke (Mar 22, 2006)
- 31: ZafarMohammad (Mar 28, 2006)
- 32: snowandflames (Mar 28, 2006)
- 33: vedicpower (Apr 2, 2006)
- 34: Munawar (Apr 13, 2006)
- 35: snowandflames (Apr 13, 2006)
- 36: tj1987629 (Apr 15, 2006)
- 37: snowandflames (Apr 15, 2006)
- 38: bhargavaayush (Apr 21, 2006)
- 39: syedsa (Apr 22, 2006)
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