A Conversation for The Controversy Surrounding the Origins of the Taj Mahal
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Tej - O - Mahal
excellentmadhu Started conversation Mar 21, 2005
Hi To all Readers...
It is really unfortunate that even today in the 20th century,,,,
We are getting to know startling insights into our edifices....
I am defnitely not concerned at this point of time..who constructed it?
But as an Indian I would defnitely be intrested to know the truth....
How can such artifacts be hidden from public?
Its really shameful....having done this..why not we study the so called TAJ MAHAL/TEJ-0-MAHAL....Get the facts out to public....
Who ever has tampered with history of such a Monument..Should be really ashamed of Himself/Herself..Having done so...And not publisized the most important facts about the same......
Why at all even now the Rooms of such a wonderful edifice be not open to public.....???
This itself creates all sorts of doubts......that there is something startling hidden......beneath this edifice??
History is very well evidenced to what has happenned to Hindustan with invasion from outsiders.....Its important for us to preserve our culture....edifices...Our traditions.....etc
Least to say ..That the culture from india has shown the world to live...lead a good life......
It is thus really important to study....Taj Mahal....which I will call TEJ O MAHAL from now on...with so many evidences,,Of Hindu culture..in its structure......
Looking forward to responses.....
Tej - O - Mahal
vishybhatia Posted Mar 25, 2005
Excellent work Madhu.
I have PN Oak's book on this controversy - got it after much hunting in Delhi. Its very well written and the arguments are well presented.
You must read that book to realise what fools we Hindus are.
Tej - O - Mahal
apoorvasirsalewala Posted Mar 27, 2005
This is shame on Indian Government who is hiding the facts of Indian glory and past culture. The Government should come clean and bring facts to the general public.
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted Mar 30, 2005
Thank God I found some sensible people after coursing through idiotic conversations on Irish pop group,Scottish whisky and some other cocktails in a forum about the Taj.
This issue is not as simple as it seems.
When the foreigners invaded they destroyed about 3000 such temple like the Tejo Mahalayam. Another example is the Madras High Court-it's the second largest court in the world and the largest in Asia, larger than the Supreme Court.
It actually was a huge temple with both Shiva(Chennapureeswarar) and Vishnu(Chennakesava Perumal)-from whom chennai got its name.
You may know about the small Chennakesava Perumal temple in Parrys Corner. That deity was originally placed at the present High court campus.
And if you want to know more about the taj Also read:
Was the Taj Mahal a Vedic Temple? The Photographic Evidence
Katiyar says Taj was Shiva 'Mahal'
What our history books tell us is all false. It's not like they have not been verified. All of them are verified falsities.
E.g., When Ambedkar drafted the constitution, Nehru asked him to enter India as a secular nation. Ambedkar told him to get lost. The word secular was added during the emergency.
I am telling all this not to degenerate other people or beliefs, but only to save our culture-THE SANATANA DHARMA.
to know more about our culture
Few suggestions about the books:
1. Am I a Hindu/The hinduism primer - Edited by Viswanathan
2. A primer of Hinduism - by D.S. sharma (Bhartiya vidya publication)
3. The complete works of Swami vivekananda
4. Kindle Life, Self-unfoldment - Swami chinmayananda
5. Any introductory book on Ramana Maharshi.
6. Hindu dharm - A collections of Kanchi Paramacharya (if you can understand written tamizh, then the Tamizh version - Deivathin Kural)
7. Towards the silver crest of Himalayas - by G.K.Pradhan
Tej - O - Mahal
james-hamid Posted Mar 30, 2005
Whatever the history behind it - does it detract from the fact that it is still the most beautiful building in the world? Perhaps we prefer a beautiful story but the reality is that 'it is there' and when I look at I wonder 'who - how -why'. I think the same when I see Stonehenge but the questions are much more difficult to answer. Most English parish churches stand on the sites of ancient pagan sites and all invaders have made it a tradition to impose their authority by building on top of the local community centres, whether religious or otherwise.
Most ‘large’ buildings are essentially built for reasons of self-aggrandisement. If the marriage of the architect and artisans manages to produce something beautiful as opposed to just ‘grand’, then they have done their jobs.
Whoever designed the Taj Mahal knew what he was doing and the workmanship is extraordinary. If his inspiration was the love of his patron for his wife – so much the better but if it wasn’t, then he did an even more inspiring job.
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted Apr 6, 2005
there's no doubt the Taj's a structure of architectural excellence Mr. James, but you view it only through your architectural point. even then it was brought upon the layout of a temple.
for me there are many religious, political and psychological tangles to it. just like you said-you cannot know about the real situation from the comfort of a hotel.
i'm not compelling you to accept my view. sorry if i'm pestering you.
Tej - O - Mahal
james-hamid Posted Apr 6, 2005
Sorry – I was not saying that I didn’t accept your view and such an enquiry is fascinating. It is just that, whatever the truth behind the building and whatever your faith, it remains an extraordinary structure.
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted Apr 8, 2005
so, we've got around our different views. i'm an Indian living in India(you would have probably guessed it by now). there are so many such structures of all beliefs, scattered all over India. they are just mind boggling. most of the ancient structures(those built before christ) are lost, only some of the architecture from the medieval period survive. but all of them are masterpieces.
consider the Brihadeeswarar temple in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. the tower(or whatever it is) is made of a single stone weighing 32 tons!. it is placed at the height of several meters. the shadow of the temple never falls on the ground! just like a pyramid.
not only architecture but the literature is even more fascinating. the concept of evolution is neatly depicted in the story of the dasavatar of god Vishnu. they probably had no microscopes for checking micro organisms! the story starts with a water dwelling fish then an amphibian, then mammal, dwarf, savage, warriors, and ends with evolution of a calm human being. the literature also deals with endless subjeects like astronomy, astrology, medicine as well as nuclear fusion and fission. and they did it all about 4000-5000 years ago. simply unimaginable! you have to experience it to know how i feel.
Tej - O - Mahal
Hicash Posted Apr 21, 2005
The question here is of accurate and real HISTORY. This should be found out at all costs and the truth should be restored in our History books. Else we would feel like fools having to read (and make our children read) made up stories in the garb of History.
Just because the political establishment of the day with their own ideological goals feels that the truth should be hidden, we should not avoid lending our voices to bring out the true History of these monuments.
The fact that what exists behind doors is being sought to be hidden, would make me feel that India is not a free and democratic country.
Tej - O - Mahal
precioustruthseeker Posted May 15, 2005
Seeing what destruction the foreign forces did on Indian temples, its no wonder they took over the Tej-o-Mahal Shiva temple and converted it to a masoleum. They just couldn't dectruy it. Its so beautiful. What's the Indian Govt. doing??? It's pathetic! Why can't they bring forward such a big lie about this historical Indian monument to the public? Hell! Mr. Prime minister! Do you care?
Tej - O - Mahal
precioustruthseeker Posted May 15, 2005
Can you give a clue where to find this book in Delhi?
I've read the summary (pdf version) though and can't help but believe what
P.N. Oak has proved about the truthfull origin of Tejo-mahal.
It's a pity that such serious facts have been twisted and the credit of India's
shining glory given to some one who just as well may not be such a loving great
husband after all. How well can you love your wife if you have 5000 plus women waiting
to get laid in your harem each day??? Women that were collected and crowded in
the Agra fort harem by the same Shahjahan! Was he left with any imagination or
energy to build such a grand monument for twenty good years? Where is the logic?
How can the Indian MPs and Ministers keep mum on this? And the ASI?
They have to bring this to the public soon!! What a lie to! And they had the guts to write
this in the school tect books as well! INDIAN GOVT. - WHAT A SHAME ON YOU FOR THIS LIE OF
Tej - O - Mahal
snowandflames Posted May 27, 2005
You are asking for something which is impossible right now. Our history books will never carry the truth if these people are its writers. Read this article to know what is happening to our history books. Then go pickup a new, freshly printed history book to confirm it.
It's just a thread of a big network of conspiracy against Sanathana Dharma, to break the backbone of our culture.
Pinko history is back, errors and all
http://dailypioneer.com/indexn12.asp?main_variable=front%5Fpage&file_name= story6%2Etxt&counter_img=6
The Daily Pioneer, 23 May 2005
Udayan Namboodiri
Pinko History is back, saffron is out - "detoxified" under HRD
Minister Arjun Singh's orders. Last fortnight, National Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT) brought back history books,
which flourished in the CBSE system for 35 years before the NDA
government banished them in 2002.
An illustration reproduced upside down in NCERT's text book Ancient
India for class XI page 42
Result: the revival of the old Left's catch-'em-young historiography.
In his zeal to please his communist backers, Mr Singh has ensured
that the books by the "eminent" historians are reintroduced without
even cosmetic changes in format and design. In fact the same typos,
which were present in the last reprints are still there as are the
pictures printed upside down.
Also back is Brahmin baiting. The depiction of ancient India as a
feudal nightmare. RS "beef" Sharma is at his incorrigible best at
convincing youngsters that despite what their parents told them,
there is no such thing as a sacred animal in Hinduism. The Sikhs are
derided, the Rajputs belittled and the scourge of terrorism declared
Bipin Chandra labours hard to convince that the Turks, Mughals and
Persians who ruled India for nearly 800 years preceding the British
were all Indians.
Romila Thapar still holds that the Aryans were outsiders to India,
calls Mahmud of Ghazni a great patron of Persian poetry. Arjun Dev
glosses over the crimes of Communism and would like young Indians to
know that the Soviets only "intervened" in Afghanistan and despite
their withdrawal, there is no let up in the civil war there.
The caste system of the Hindus is condemned at every opportunity. But
there is careful concealment of the achievements of ancient India in
the sciences.
In her book for Class VI students, Ms Thapar makes only passing
mention of Aryabhatta and Varamihira. There is not a line to inspire
young India's realisation that their ancestors knew what Issac Newton
and Galileo realised more than a millennium afterwards. "Books on
medicine were also written," she says (page 81), but omits Shusruta,
acknowledged as the father of surgery, Atreya and Charaka. Then, in
her book for the next class, she simply says (under Education and
Learning, page 27): "The discoveries of Aryabhatta in astronomy were
not used in order to make further discoveries....Instead they were
mixed up with ignorant and superstitious ideas about astrology."
The genocide on Indians perpetrated by foreign invaders from west and
central Asia is given the miss. That, of course, is classical
But, insult is added to injury when Ms Thapar writes in the book for
Class VII learners (page 37): "Firoz (Shah Tugluq) was concerned
about the general welfare of his subjects...started new irrigation
schemes, new towns... increased the number of educational centres,
etc." But what about Jaziya (ital)?
This was the ruler who introduced the hated tax on Hindus to promote
large scale conversion under duress. But Ms Thapar pretends it never
The high priestess of secularist history, who shocked even her most
committed cheerleaders last year with her apology of a book on Mahmud
of Ghazni, not only glosses over Firoz's crimes but also calls the
three centuries of Mughal domination as the "Age of Magnificence".
She devotes 28 out of 120 pages with eulogies to the Mughals, but
gives short shrift to Rana Pratap, Shivaji and the Sikh Gurus. She
gives a gush-gush account of Jahangir, sympathises with all his
difficulties, but forgets to mention the murder of Sikh Guru Arjan
Dev ordered by him. Aurgangzeb's persecution of Hindus and Sikhs is
also glossed over. There is no mention of the murder of Guru Govind
Singh's sons and the brutal executions of Guru Teg Bahadur and Banda
In fact, Bipin Chandra, in his Modern India (both itals) for Class
XII goers, conjures up a caste identity for Banda Bahadur. In a short
paragraph (page 19) he says that Banda rallied around him the
peasants and lower castes of Punjab. "The upper castes of Punjab
joined forces against Banda Bahadur for his championship of the lower
castes and rural poor. Also, he could not integrate all the anti-
Mughal forces because of his religious bigotry".
It is clear that propaganda is passing off as school level history in
India. Instead of uniting Indians of today with their past and
leaving them with impressions of their history, which would linger
throughout their lives as inspiration (after all, 99 per cent of
students will not pick up a history book after Class X),
the "eminent" historians have sought to confuse and mislead.
The primary blame for this must go to NCERT director Krishna Kumar,
who went to great lengths to accommodate pinko history. In an earlier
avatar, as member of a committee set up in 1990 to suggest the
lightening of curriculum load on schoolgoers, Kumar had criticised
the same books. But now, in his zeal to push a campaign to drill
wrong information and spurious interpretation, he has ordered the ad
hoc revision of the syllabus for the Social Sciences, which was
developed by his predecessor, JS Rajput, through a painstaking
process lasting nearly two years.
For instance, students of Class VI were supposed to be instructed on
not just ancient India, but also Egypt, Mesopotemia and China. But,
because the grand dame of (Left) academia, Romila Thapar's book was
devoted only to India, Kumar waved a magic wand. The "new" syllabus
matches the chapterisation in Thapar's Ancient India (italicise both)
almost word for word.
(Tomorrow: Static history, confused historians)
"our holy Christian religion is solely based upon the ancient religion of Brahma."
Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1774)
Tejo Mahalaya
Ashwinisrikanth Posted Jul 17, 2005
I feel this is the inborn quality of muslims to grab somebodies property and modify or to destroy the monuments or idols which ever is anti islamic, it is also unfortunate that even today after knowing those above fact the current indian fraud congress govt supports anti Hindusm and it is quite happy to give lots of oppurtunity to extend towards conversions!!!! I want to know that what is the way to keep all the public know about the fact that these manuments are manupulated. Plz advise who ever reads my message
Tej - O - Mahal
astrogoogly Posted Jul 22, 2005
I discuss this topic with my friends and lot of them agree with this fact that it was really a Tejomahalaya.
But what we as Indians can do about it? We know and agree, but what next? How can we make Government of India, ASI move and let the public know the truth?
All the words written over here would be wasted if they do not have any effect.
Can somebody file a public interest litigation for this cause?
Tej - O - Mahal
allcultured Posted Aug 5, 2005
I was compelled to write something after reading all these posts on the subject. It doesn't surprise me that the Taj has an ancient history. What is so frustrating is that after all the struggle for freedom and independence, India still doesn't learn. There is a total lack of vision and conviction by politicians to voice the truth about its own glory. India is very laid back to acknowledge, celebrate or reward anybody unless there is some kind of political mileage. I'll give couple of examples, take 'Tagore' for instance, his work wasn't recognised as until he won the Nobel Prize and similary 'Amartya Sen'. India always looks upon the west to give recognition, and then make big hoo haa about it.
I have firm belief that 'Prachin India' (Ancient India) has alot of hidden glory, tales and treassures (not the financial kind) in its womb. However, I bet that until some archeologist from the west makes some kind of theory, India will not make any move. If anyone is familiar with Graham Hancocks 'The Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age' you would know what I am talking about.
In Uk for instance, if they anything trivial they get to the bottom of it, and they are proud. Of course, who is interested in that kind of pride in India. The politicians are all immoral and unethical souls on their way to hell for all the abuse they have committed for their mother land.
Tej - O - Mahal
vishwapatil Posted Nov 12, 2005
In P.N.Oaks book i have read that Shahajahan was unable to arrange the wood required for the writing Quranic inscriptions on the outer wall of the Tajamahal. If this is true then the Tajamahal is not at all built by the Shahajahan. If this was the case then it is impossible to complete the marble inlay inside the tomb also isnt it? My second question is The taj as they say has one mosque and otherone is nagarakhana. THEN THERE IS NO MINARET AT ALL OUTSIDE THE SO CALLED MOSQUE therefore this also proves that the mosque is also not there
Vishwanath B.Patil
Tej - O - Mahal
vishwapatil Posted Nov 12, 2005
In P.N.Oaks book i have read that Shahajahan was unable to arrange the wood required for the writing Quranic inscriptions on the outer wall of the Tajamahal. If this is true then the Tajamahal is not at all built by the Shahajahan. If this was the case then it is impossible to complete the marble inlay inside the tomb also isnt it? My second question is The taj as they say has one mosque and otherone is nagarakhana. THEN THERE IS NO MINARET AT ALL OUTSIDE THE SO CALLED MOSQUE therefore this also proves that the mosque is also not there
Vishwanath B.Patil
[email protected]
Tej - O - Mahal
vishwapatil Posted Nov 12, 2005
In P.N.Oaks book i have read that Shahajahan was unable to arrange the wood required for the writing Quranic inscriptions on the outer wall of the Tajamahal. If this is true then the Tajamahal is not at all built by the Shahajahan. If this was the case then it is impossible to complete the marble inlay inside the tomb also isnt it? My second question is The taj as they say has one mosque and otherone is nagarakhana. THEN THERE IS NO MINARET AT ALL OUTSIDE THE SO CALLED MOSQUE therefore this also proves that the mosque is also not there
Vishwanath B.Patil
[email protected]
Tej - O - Mahal
vishwapatil Posted Nov 12, 2005
In P.N.Oaks book i have read that Shahajahan was unable to arrange the wood required for the writing Quranic inscriptions on the outer wall of the Tajamahal. If this is true then the Tajamahal is not at all built by the Shahajahan. If this was the case then it is impossible to complete the marble inlay inside the tomb also isnt it? My second question is The taj as they say has one mosque and otherone is nagarakhana. THEN THERE IS NO MINARET AT ALL OUTSIDE THE SO CALLED MOSQUE therefore this also proves that the mosque is also not there. This also proves that the Taj mahal is not at all
built by Shahajahan
Vishwanath B.Patil
[email protected]
Key: Complain about this post
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Tej - O - Mahal
- 1: excellentmadhu (Mar 21, 2005)
- 2: vishybhatia (Mar 25, 2005)
- 3: apoorvasirsalewala (Mar 27, 2005)
- 4: snowandflames (Mar 30, 2005)
- 5: james-hamid (Mar 30, 2005)
- 6: snowandflames (Apr 6, 2005)
- 7: james-hamid (Apr 6, 2005)
- 8: snowandflames (Apr 8, 2005)
- 9: Hicash (Apr 21, 2005)
- 10: precioustruthseeker (May 15, 2005)
- 11: precioustruthseeker (May 15, 2005)
- 12: snowandflames (May 27, 2005)
- 13: Ashwinisrikanth (Jul 17, 2005)
- 14: Ashwinisrikanth (Jul 17, 2005)
- 15: astrogoogly (Jul 22, 2005)
- 16: allcultured (Aug 5, 2005)
- 17: vishwapatil (Nov 12, 2005)
- 18: vishwapatil (Nov 12, 2005)
- 19: vishwapatil (Nov 12, 2005)
- 20: vishwapatil (Nov 12, 2005)
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