A Conversation for Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 1

Dorothy Outta Kansas

I've started this thread for anyone who's interested, after I left a message in a Lord of the Rings thread.

I've read the Wheel of Time over the past ten years (Book 1 "Eye of the World" was copywrite in 1990, and I had Book 9 "Winter's Heart" for Christmas 2001). The immense subtlety of detail did not keep sharp on my memory until the end of the book, and I have therefore begun to read from Book 1 again. I'm partway through Book 2 at the moment, and have begun to note all the prophesies, even the ones in give-away one-liners. Any predictions we share here are probably going to be spoilers, but even so, I don't think they would spoil the series because of the richness of plot. However, I will use the convention of giving a spoiler warning before anything I give away.


In Book 2, "The Great Hunt", there is a part where Moiraine Sedai thinks to herself that Egwene has a great resourcefulnes and could "rise to the Amyrlin Seat one day. If there is still a White Tower." [Please note, this was not verbatim!] Has anyone else noticed any signs from early books of what was planned in the later books?

Oh, and has anyone any idea who Rand's Father was?

x x Fenny (UT)

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 2

Evil Zombie Strider

Not telling! smiley - nahnah

smiley - footprints

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 3


Rand's father is definitely mentioned.
Can't remember his name though smiley - erm

He was an Aiel Clan Chief, almost certainly this is to be found in The Shadow Rising or the Fires of Heaven.

Probably Rhuarc or one of the wise women revealed this.

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 4

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Ooh, great! {Another spoiler bit}

There's a bit in Winter's Heart, where the girls (Nyneave, Elayne, Egwene) come face to face with someone who looks like Rand, but appears older and angrier. I'm doing my nut trying to think who that might be!

Any ideas?

Sorry - I've got no one else to discuss this with!

x x Fenny (UT)

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 5


Luc/Isam aka Slayer I would imagine. smiley - smiley

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 6


Oi tink that Isam was Lan's brother and Luc was his uncle, they were merged into Slayer an assassin who lurks in Tel'aranriodh mostly.

Personally I think it was him who killed Asmodean but I could be wrong.

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 7


Luc was Rand's uncle that is...

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 8

Dorothy Outta Kansas

...That's the family link I didn't get! Luc's a Damodred! (or Demandred?) Whose brother is he? And where did you pick that up?

x x F (UT)

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 9

Dorothy Outta Kansas

... and doesn't that mean that Rand and Moiraine are related?

x x Fenny (lost in a forest of family trees)

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 10


er... he's either a Damodred or a Trakand, not sure which, my memory is hazy, it's about a year since I read any WOT stuff.

There is a prophecy scrawled in blood in Fal Dara in the Great Hunt which mentions them (the one mentioning The Daughter of the Night, aka Lanfear). I picked all that up mostly from bits mentioned around and about, I don't think it's all explained like that anywhere, his powers aren't fully revealed until Winter's Heart but ther's always mention of his resemblance to Rand or Lan whenever he turns up and there are little historical bits every now and then relating the disappearance of Luc and Isam. Gleaned from various sources really.

I'm a bit like this with Tolkien too, I drink up all the historical stuff and love piecing together the complete picture overall. Also I used to read alot of the WOT fandom sites.
WOTmania (link com pletely obvious smiley - winkeye) was one I used to visit a lot before I got hooked on h2g2 smiley - smiley

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 11


Yes, Rand and Moiraine are related distantly.

I reckon if it goes on long enough Rand will be related to everyone smiley - laugh

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 12

Dorothy Outta Kansas

smiley - smiley

I've just passed the prophesy in Fol Dara. I have to go back to reread it, but only about twenty pages! I'll let you know if I decipher the relationship from that.

I'm currently considering what delights will be awaiting us in Book 10 - fewer predictions, I imagine, but it'll be sparkling, I imagine!

x x Fenny (UT)

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 13


Luc was Lan's brother. Isam was a Trakand, brother to Tigrane who was Rand's mother. Rand's father was Janduin, who was the Chief of the Taardad Aiel during the Aiel War, and was the one before Rhuarc.

Yes, there are many forward-looking references in the books, including one that's not been fulfilled yet about Callandor - 'he who draws it out shall follow after [the Dragon Reborn]'. That was Narishma.

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 14

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Wow! Thanks for that, MaW. The family details aren't mentioned in that prophesy in Fal Dara, but I was very interested in that. Seems like you've been reading too many WOT-devotee sites, knowing what's on its way in book 10! Got any hints on a title, yet?

x x Fenny (UT)

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 15


Nobody knows, Jordan's not telling. However...

(NOTE that I'm not worrying about book nine spoilage, so if you don't want to know, don't read!)

It seems quite likely that the siege of the White Tower will play a major part, at least in the first half of the book. There will also be more of Perrin hunting for Faile I expect, and Faile trying to subvert the various Shaido Aiel.

And if he misses out Mat and Tuon running away from Ebou Dar, he's a cruel and evil man... that's going to be sooo funny. Although it would seem from her behaviour that she knows as well as Mat that they're destined to be married.

So that's quite a lot to cope with actually, although I suspect Elayne might finally get crowned as well. As to weddings... well, you can see Siuan Sanche and Gareth Bryne coming from a mile off, but when will it happen? IIRC, Min had a viewing about that one, so it's got to happen.

Other unresolved plot threads include Moiraine Damodred and Thom Merrilin, and what was in that letter she had Rand deliver to him after she 'died'. Although Lanfear survived (albeit as Cyndane and with reduced strength in the Power), so Moiraine probably did as well, I suspect. Plus there's that viewing of Min's that she thinks has gone wrong but which I think just hasn't happened yet, of Thom rescuing Moiraine's blue stone from a fire.

And is saidin really clean?

How mightily frustrated is Moridin at Rand doing what he's done?

How is Cadsuane going to manage to spank all the Asha'man at once?

All this and more in books ten, eleven and twelve...

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 16


Oh, and yes, I do hang around WoT sites a lot. I play the Mistress of Novices at one particular White Tower RP site.

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 17

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Hmmm, yes, crazily addictive WOT sites. I'm currently reading through the Compendium of FAQs, and have been for way too long, tonight! Great eye-openers!

I'm so rusty on the details of the series! I read Winter's Heart at New Year(2002), and subsequently restarted at Book 1; I'm halfway through AGH, but I've almost totally forgotten books 3-8. I'm treating all these hints and clues as memo-prompts to look up when I get to them! God knows how any of us will manage to wait until Book 10 (unless you call it Book 11, given the splicing of TEOTW into two parts!)

x x Fenny (tired and flu, but UT)

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 18


My predictions for Book 10...

Min will moon about Rand a lot

Nyneave will discover a new talent in the One Power and will manage to create a new dress for herself in every scene she appears in.

Bela will stomp the Gholam.

Demandred will turn out to be disguised as Rand's horse.

Mat won't be in it, just to annoy everyone.

Gawyn will manage to kill Rand (now that WOULD be a surprise ending smiley - winkeye

smiley - silly

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 19


That sounds... interesting.

I don't think Gawyn will kill Rand. Egwene will probably bond him first. He's in Tar Valon, isn't he? And Egwene's laying siege to it...

Prophesies and Predictions

Post 20

Evil Zombie Strider

I know it was just a joke prediction, but I think (hope to anybody you can hope to) that this book will be mostly Mat stuff. I mean, he has to marry her at some point!

smiley - footprints

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