A Conversation for Sex - An Introduction


Post 1


I like to consider myself a master of sexual innuendoes. But as I am 15 this is hardly surprising.
It is true that almost anything can be made to sound sexual, but suffixing 'ooh...err' doesn't have anything to do with it. You just need to have a dirty mind.


Post 2

Fruitbat (Eric the)

Aside from Woody Allen's assertion that "Is sex dirty?...Only if it's done right." I fail to see what's so "dirty" about it.

I think this is a hold-over from the religious crowd who can't stand to see anyone else having a good time when that time doesn't correspond to THEIR ideas of a good time.



Post 3

The Caffeine Kid

I thought it was:-
"sex is messy!"
"yes, if you do it right!"



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