A Conversation for Sex - An Introduction

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 21


How do you know we do not already have anatomically correct teletubbies? Who are you to say how a teletubby's body should look? This is exactly the kind of anatomical fascism we at "Equal Rights For Teletubbies" are trying to stamp out.

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 22

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Damn straight Brother!

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 23

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Anyway, if Jerry Falwell says Teletubbies are sexy,who are we to argue?

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 24


something else that can be used in creating raunchy phrases is quotes. to explain: by using your middle finger and pointer finger on both hands to create visual quotes, combined with the raised eyebrows and suggestive tone of voice, anything can sound rauchy. for example "you going to eat a cracker" believe me it works. note: quotes, eyebrows and so forth can be done just during the word cracker for the same effect.

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 25


I must have done the cracker bit wrong. At least I will not have to worry about my eyebrows now. Not until they remove my cast.

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 26


Are you seriously trying to suggest that there are four different Teletubby sexes? If so do you get trisexual and quadrisexual Teletubs? If so I don't give them much chance of survival as I would imagine that the size of the gene pool is too low and that the fate of the TTs is sealed without having the presence of non-breeders.

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 27


If saying eh-oh hasn't got you into bed with anyone yet, then it's hardly the fault of the Tellytubbies, cos it always works for me. Also, I thought you were supposed to say fnar fnar after some innuendo, I've never heard of this ra ra thing...

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 28

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Oh err with arm bent at elbow and forearm making obscene
in and out motions whilst you are leering is, so I believe,
irresistable to chicky babes

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 29


I thought it was obvious that Laa-Laa and Po were female. They eat their tubby toast so DAMN SLOWLY they couldn't be male. Also notice that Dipsy has a penis-shaped object on his head, and Tinky-Winky has this big macho triangle thing. There can be no dispute...

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 30

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I have a penis, though not on my head. I used to play the triangle in a band. Does this make me a tellytubbie groupie

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 31


Ha! That's an old wives tale. I have tried that one since the age of twelve, even with the nurses on my frequent hospital visits (which seems to enhance the chances of getting a leaky 'bottle', but that's another story), and am now a middle aged virgin.

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 32

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Next time in hospital try it on an old, long married nurse. Old maids, like old nurses are not getting any and you could get lucky. Incidentally some authoritative sources say sex with a life-size blow-up doll counts as loss of virginity. Just a thought.

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 33


No. It makes you a Sesame Street audience member wannabe.

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 34


Hey, that's great news! Do blow up sheep count as well (and I'm not talking strays in minefields here, altho they do have the added attraction of being warm'n'juicy)? Mmmmmmm!

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 35

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Sheep should count but you would be better of with Kangaroos - Remenber that old Rolf Harris song - Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 36

Researcher 46475

In most cases, one does not even need the oh err and ra ra at all. One can make a comment sound sexual by simply changing the tone of one's voice, and possibly adding "know what I mean" to the end of the remark.
EG: He finished his book, know what I mean?

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 37

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Lying down nude in public places surrounded by sexually suggestive signs has been proven to be a turn off to the average mail and australians

Anatomically correct teletubbies

Post 38


Sooo, the only way to determine if a Teletubby is truly female is to observe the slow rate at which she eats toast. Is this something to do with breeding?smiley - sorry And if so do you also get fast breeder weeactors?

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 39

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Goes and has a piping hot cup of tea. Watches the Brownian Motion with childlike glee.

Oh err and Ra Ra?

Post 40

47318 - I am a number not a free man

They put your eyebrows in a cast?!

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