A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

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Post 1


Some time ago a birth took place of The h2g2 Friends Art Gallery.

An album for áll h2g2 members who are creative in any visible way (painting, sculptures, drawings, specific gardens,
making excentric clothes, etc. etc,.)and want to share it with other h2g2 members. So not a place for snobs.

As H2G2 says to new members; "everyone leads an interesting life"
(to stimulate them to write in their journal),we'll take along the same credo for this H2G2 Friends Art Gallery


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Post 2


Place of birth http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F101132?thread=600405&skip=0&show=20

invitation to share

Post 3


I already had a photoblog for my paintings. http://www.20six.nl/alfredo1

Now I have made a second one (for free) to be able to share more paintings of mine.


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