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Saxaphone and Clarinet Players

Post 1

Kat - From H2G2

Heya I just thought I would bumble along and see if anyone can help me.
I play the clarinet, and I can play okay...not wonderfully but okay. Ive never had a teacher so I probably have all sorts of bad habits. If anyone can help me etc then do say.

Now the REAL problem is my saxaphone. I just got one *strokes the shininess* and I cant play the damn thing! I can do G,A,B,C and thats it! I can't even do F! It comes out as a buzz or a squeak! What's going wrong? Blowing harder didnt change it...I checked I was blowing right and yup its fine...am I doomed not to play anything other than G A B C?

Saxaphone and Clarinet Players

Post 2


Well, I'm mainly a clarinetistsmiley - smiley, so I can try to help you there if you have questions, but one thing that I've noticed with the saxophone (as a clarinetist) is that my mouth doesn't like going loose enough to play notes on the sax. How I fix the problem is by moving the ligature down so it's about 1/2 cm from the "smile" of the reed.
Hope that helps!smiley - goodluck

Saxaphone and Clarinet Players

Post 3


hmmm.. im a saxophonist and i have lots of problems like that too sometimes. have you checked the top pad? the one on the neckpiece. sometimes if that's out of place, or the springs connected to the octave key are out of place that would do it. happens to me a lot.

saxes rule, dude

hope that helps!smiley - ok

Saxaphone and Clarinet Players

Post 4

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

hey, try biting the reed harder or make sure on the top middle key (the C key) that the top and the bottem buttons have the pad on it... its inbetween the button that you push for C and the one that you push for Bb
fordsmiley - cheers

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