A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 21

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...hole punched into the lid...? smiley - yikes
smiley - bigeyes...never mind...
*continues to stretch & forget the poor fire-flys that never lived to be released the following night(s)...smiley - sadface...*
smiley - zen

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 22

Researcher 168814

*Goes to Kitchen, comes back with breakfast...*

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 23


Solid food so early in the day?
Never eat on an empty stomach, E! smiley - silly
*Passes E a smiley - ale *

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 24


I went through a phase when I first got married to my ex (most probably through boredom) to make model cars and used to give them away to friends.smiley - weird

*Wonders why none of her friends are still with her*

Pan! Yoga! How wonderful! Here, allow me to assist you! (I used to teach Yoga y'know...) smiley - zen

*Climbs up next to Pan*

You have to bend that leg just so and that arm right there and no, not than one. Yes! That's it! Right over left...Now over the top. No! Not like that, like this...There! That should do it! smiley - bigeyes

*Steps down to admire her handiwork just as the finely balanced and tangled Pan lands in the midst of the passing E's breakfast*

Oh I say! Good landing that woman! smiley - nahnah

*Gives Pan a round of applause and winks at Mari*

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 25


I warned you about solids!

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 26

Researcher 168814

smiley - yikes good that I´ve kept this smiley - ale safe... Thanks Kes smiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 27


smiley - cheers

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 28


Nothing is safe when I'm about E smiley - devil

*Snatches E's smiley - ale and takes a deep swig before returning it to him*

Don't mind the bits floating in it. I went to the dentist yesterday and there are still bits of mercury coming adrift.

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 29


Is a dislike of fillings called "amalgam'ate"?

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 30


*Flicks a stray lump of amalgam at Kes and it connects with his nose*

Nah I don't think so Kes. My dentist wanted to remove all my teeth and I had to decline because, as I said to him, "Without my teeth, I'm all-gum-mate!" smiley - groansmiley - run

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 31

Seth of Rabi

Must be a proper technical term for the fear of dental grouting

** Seth busies himself with the Filling-o'-4-beer **

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 32

Researcher 168814

*Fishes out bits of Lego...*

Here... there´s one of these "Teeth" still afloat...

How about a smiley - biggrin , Gwennie smiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 33

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*comes up for air when she hits meat in E's breakfaat...* I say E...did you HAVE to drop me like that?
*glares at Gwennie...* You're lucky you just made me laugh...I'm just greatful you were busying your mind, as you call it, with dental puns...rather good ones too...smiley - bigeyes...instead of trying to glue me into pretzel woman!! Ooooo....*takes out notebook & makes note on the :POSSIBLE HALLOWEEN COSTUME page...*
smiley - cheers
*swings her battered legs back -N-forth signing..*I know when Pierce is comen' ba-a-a-ack...smiley - musicalnote
Mari-are...I got a picture that reminded me of you today...from a gal I use to wor...wor, er, wor-r--r, smiley - bleep No can sayums...you know...the thingie most people do for money. smiley - crossNo, not like what YOU do Gwennie...I said, "Most people!" smiley - cross Sheesh...
Anyway a gal who live in Sandusky, right near Cedar Point, sent me a lady...one about your age...who can bite both her, er, her,
*whispers 'breasets' into mari-rae's ear...*smiley - groanWhen I first saw the E, I wansn't impresses a bit, I mean, what woman can't bite both...er, smiley - bigeyes...Wha'? Why's everyone looking at me? smiley - biggrin Time for a toast?
*stands...clears her throat...*
CHEERS!!!! smiley - cheers

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 34

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Looks down at her (breasts) which end down around her waist, then grins at Pandora.*

Gravity; its the law. and at my age I obey.

smiley - oksmiley - laugh

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 35

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02

*gravitates around his smiley - ale*

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 36

Researcher 168814

*Goes into Orbit around himself and has a smiley - stout*

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 37


*Reminisces ....with a smiley - ale, of course! smiley - winkeye *

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 38

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!! February!!!

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 39

Researcher 168814

Don´t tell me, it took you four days to find out smiley - sillysmiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes Pub: February 2002

Post 40

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Goes into the kitchen and begins concocting her special Valentine's Day love potion. It is an ancient secret recipe that was handed down to her through her family, all the way back from old Egypt and the days of the Pharohs.*

Now, where did I put that vial of dried butterfly tongues?... Rose hips, ground to powder... hmmm, I need fresh heart.

Hey out there? Anyone ? smiley - bigeyes

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