This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Musicians Guild

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Post 41

h2g2 Musicians Guild

It's quite a keen project, Njan. I have added a link at the bottom of the Guild's main page. Please make sure my description fits your group. Thanks!

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Post 42

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

What instrument(s) do you play, or want to play?

My voice (which I still don't think is that good but someone persuaded be to come here smiley - winkeye)

Do you have a favorite composer, musical artist, or band?

In the classical side I like Holst, Saint-Saens, Britten, Stravinsky, Mussorgsky and other of that modern stuff. In the more "modern" side, I like The Beautiful South and Texas (early stuff more).

Is there anything in particular you would like from the Musicians Guild, or anything special you want to contribute?

My park (follow the link from my page) will be gaining a concert ground soon for those open air concerts (sort of like the Proms broadcast in Hyde Park.)

I would like to learn how to better control my voice.

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Post 43

njan (afh)

oh, hurrah! The h2g2 symphony Orchestra can do concerts there. smiley - smiley

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Post 44

MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

Hi there!

Instrument is the violin and viola. I have been playing in orchestras and string quartets for the last 15 to 20 years (depends on the counting) and I am enjoying it very much next to my other (real) job.

Favorite composers would have to be Brahms and Dvorak, then also the all-time trio Bach/Mozart/Beethoven (can you tell I am german?). I enjoy to listen to jazz and rock, too, but I am not peculiar about that.

Expectations for the h2g2 musicians guilde would probably be to talk about beloved music. Who knows, one could try to start an encyclopedia project, centralize the composer-related entries and so on.


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Post 45

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

BAD DRAGONFLY!!! I forgot to read the rules when I asked to join the Guild... but I did tell everyone how I would like to improve this fair musical community-- I will write more articles(some inspired by the all ready listed Drums entry), and open the doors of my Musehome to three upcoming venues that can be used for performances...

But I failed to tell you what I play!!! smiley - winkeye I started out with the piano when I was nine, then the oboe(and clarinet, which was unusual enough for me, so I soon dropped it and picked it up again my final year of high school) when twelve, and finally the guitar for the last five years. I teach both the oboe and guitar; Mother has taught the piano since before I was a twinkle in her eye!!!

Favorite bands and composers!?? OH SO MANY!!! The BEATLES, the Who, the Doors, Carpenters, Janis Joplin, Billie Holiday, Carol King, Neil Young, the Rolling Stones, Handel, Vivaldi, MOZART!!! smiley - smiley CCR, Eagles, Queen...

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Post 46

Demon Drawer

Ok sign me up.

I play guitar, bass guitar and sing. So fit me in where you will and I have a wide and diverse taste in music.

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Post 47

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

What instrument(s) do you play, or want to play?
Guitar, voice, and kazoo. I took five years of piano but hardly remember a bit of what I learned smiley - sadface

Do you have a favorite composer, musical artist, or band?
At the moment, I'm promoting a band called the Lizards, mostly because it consists of myself and my best friend. (eMail for more info).

Is there anything in particular you would like from the Musicians Guild, or
anything special you want to contribute?
I'm thinking of writting an article on Phil Ochs, and my Ultimate Road Trip Song Archive still needs editing -- but will be up eventually.

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Post 48

Stealth Munchkin

Instruments played - guitar (fairly adequately), bass (fairly incompetently), keyboard (comping only), harmonica (a little - only diatonic, not chromatic) and clarinet ( a couple of years of lessons a decade ago...). I'm also studying music, acoustics and recording at university, and I produce records for my own band and for friends (samples of my music can be found at and )
Favourite music - well it seems I'm in a minority here as I far prefer popular music to pre-20th Century classical (though I love Bach and admire Wagner). I love Zappa, the Wilson bros (of the Beach Boys - but the distinction is important as there were lesser members who ruined the band in later years), John Lennon, Tom Waits, Louis Armstrong, Robert Johnson, Captain Beefheart, Elvis Presley, Elvis Costello, Dr John, Duke Ellington, Lionel Hampton, Ray Charles, garage music (ie Kingsmen, Count 5 etc, *not* garage as in dance), Olivia Tremor Control, High Llamas, Kinks, Van Morrison, Jonathan Richman, Benny Goodman, Mose Allison, Van Dyke Parks, Tom Lehrer... I should shut up smiley - winkeye
Thought I'd let you know that as well as my first entry on the Beach Boys - The Early Years, I'll be doing tonight another entry - on the Beach Boys solo albums. It won't be 'approved' yet, but it'll be linked from a conversation on the first entry, which is at .
What I'd like from the musicians' guild is just to talk about music with other musicians and music lovers...

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Post 49

Stealth Munchkin

Forgot to mention that while I don't listen to much pre-20C classical I do like 20C stuff, particularly Varese and Weill (was very surprised to find they had the same teacher)

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Post 50

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Munchkin, anyone who mentions Robert Johnson as one of their favorites is okay in my book.

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Post 51


Sign me up please!!!!
The fact that I am the Muse of Listening to Old LP-records should do it, I'd say smiley - smiley
Most music heard from me at the time would be when I'm singing with my choir (Sankt Pauls Kammerkor, Copenhagen)
I could say that I play the piano, just that I don't do it very often (it's hiding under piles of books and things smiley - winkeye)
I've also played clarinet, drums, bass and others.
I even passed an examination at university saying that I can play guitar, but that's luck for me, my teacher never heard me play - just thought he did smiley - smiley (commutation??? I don't know the english word)
So I've been studying music science for some years - not for the moment, but hopefully again soon.
My interests in music is almost every interest in music there could be, I hate answering "favorite"-questions, I just *can't* do it, and well, I haven't found out yet what I'll like from or contribute to the guild, but I will!
As my newest (2 days old) book says in the title: Music is life.
That's it. I'm a member smiley - smiley

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Post 52

Seagull's Lost Horizon

well I started to learn the guitar a couple of years ago, and still need a whole lot more or pactice,

as for music thers a piece called dance of the knights (I think) which I'm quite fond of, the beatles, queen, pink floydd are my absolute favorites, but theres a lot more I like.

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Post 53

h2g2 Musicians Guild

Well, I've had a lovely quiet weekend and I'm ready to jump back into action.

Here's a formal hello to the following new members:

Joa aka Arnia
Irving Washington
Stealth Munchkin
Seagull's Lost Horizon

Hello, all! I have added you to the membership roster for the Guild.

I should also report that I shortened Thomas the Infinitely Prolonged's name on the page to simply Thomas. I read somewhere that he preferred it that way. smiley - winkeye

I am being kept very busy just now with adding new music entries to the Guild's directory. At the rate we're going, I will have to break up the directory into multiple pages very soon. Feel free to bounce ideas off one another in the meantime, as this seems to be how everything is getting done right now. smiley - smiley

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Post 54

Mike A (snowblind)

Just dived straight to the end of the forum, no disrespect intended to anything I have just butted into. And a "hi" from me to all members, new or old smiley - smiley

I've rooted around here, and am impressed with what I see. I'd love to be a part of this. To answer your questions:

1.What instrument(s) do you play, or want to play?
I play bass guitar, and sometime in the far future I'd consider picking up a drum set.

2. Do you have a favorite composer, musical artist, or band?

3. Is there anything in particular you would like from the Musicians Guild, or anything special you want to contribute?
I'd like some quality discussion, and a chance to have some decent entries whithin easy reach (I've bookmarked the Ska one for starters). And since I'm probably the only metalhead here, I could probably teach you lot a trick or two while I'm here smiley - winkeye

Keep On Growing

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Post 55


I noticed you had shortened my name, and that's okay with me. smiley - winkeye Anything you wanna put is just fine. I should have told you to do so beforehand anyway, so it's my bad. smiley - bigeyes

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Post 56


I worked in clubs and shows for a long time playing rock, blues and jazz. Spent most of my time on this planet doing just that.

1.Instruments? Synthesizers, guitar (prefer acoustic), piano (classical), and vocals (if you consider the voice as an instrument).

2. Favorites: Miles Davis, Chopin; listening to Ravi Shankar as I write this, recently discovered great rock performer from China...lots of music. Lots of favorites.

3. I'd just like to meet and talk to other musicians of ANY style. If I can contribute in any way I'd be glad to.

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Post 57

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Welcome, ox. I'm adding you to our members list right now.

Just FYI for everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to organize the music-related entries page. There's a thread on that page for opinions if anyone is interested.

Also, I think our first topic of conversation (on unauthorized arrangements of composisitons) has slowed almost to a stop. So I'm starting a new one. The topic is, "What are the best songs written about (not for) certain instruments?" That thread is attached to this page.

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Post 58


*Meekly pokes head in*

Er, hello. I was just wondering if I could apply for membership in this prestigious society of artists. I can play the alto and baritone saxophones really well, I can sing fairly well, and I've got absolute minimal piano skills. Is that enough to get in?

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Post 59

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

You betcha, Afgncaap5. I'll add you to our membership roster later today. smiley - smiley

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Post 60


smiley - smiley


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