A Conversation for h2g2's Christmas Community Social

London. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 341

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

When you say outide of London, does that mean I don't have to go anywhere near the scaryness?

Ummm BTW Bluebottle, does Peregrin know that he's being used as bribary material to get us to come to Southampton...in fact does Peregrin know that you've just rented out his room to the highest H2G2 biddersmiley - winkeye

And as for who would go to Oxford...
*leaps up and down with her hand in the air*
Me, memememememememeMEsmiley - smiley

London. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 342


That sounds great, Abi. If it's a saturday night and it costs not too much of course (lectures! Scream!)
Although would be cheap for me if in Nottingham as I could go back to Halls for the night... although would anyone get any sleep?

London. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 343

Demon Drawer

Sounds like a good idea put me down for a double room please. smiley - bigeyes

London. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 344

Niz (soon to be gone)

Penthouse suite with minibar and hot tub for me. Anyone interested in hottub and unlimited room service??smiley - bigeyes Can I apologise in advance I was v.v drunksmiley - bigeyes

London. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 345


So where is it we're going then?

London. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 346


And when? if its Dec. 9th as Pastey suggested i guess planning better start soon...smiley - smiley

London. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 347


Hold on give us a chance and we will make it top top top priority! smiley - smiley

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 348

Peter aka Krans

It's nice to see another supporter of the Oxford proposal... smiley - smiley

Thing about Oxford is that it's (fairly) quiet, compared to London... which would make it easier to find each other...

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 349


Hey doesn't Matthew Pinsent coach the Oxford women's rowing team smiley - winkeye

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 350

Peter aka Krans

I dunno... ask someone who goes to Oxford Uni. smiley - smiley
I don't. Oxford is just local to me. smiley - winkeye

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 351


*Slaps forehead in disgust.*

Sheesh smiley - smiley!

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 352

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

You mean the women's rowing team will be coming along too? smiley - bigeyes

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 353


Don't worry BS we're not all like that....smiley - winkeye

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 354


I am smiley - bigeyes

*drools slightly*

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 355


I am smiley - bigeyes

*drools slightly*

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 356

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

That echo's come back again. smiley - smiley

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 357

njan (afh)

It's those high arch-ed ceilings that people keep putting in. I tell them to leave it at ceiling tiles, but do they listen?

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 358


*slips some bromide in Abi's tea*

There. She should stop drooling now smiley - smiley

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 359

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Better put the whole bottle in, just in case. smiley - winkeye

Oxford. You know its the only sensible choice

Post 360


No I am alright now! Just no one mention a certain someone! smiley - smiley

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