A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 1


In the puzzle below, a proverb is written with exactly one letter of each word replaced with another. Can you guess what the original proverb is?

Wetter mate that fever.

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 2

Danny B

Better late than never

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 3

Danny B

Better late than never

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 4

Danny B

Ooops, too much excitement. (I suppose two points is out of the question... smiley - winkeye)

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - laugh

Is the tension getting to you, Danny?smiley - winkeye

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 6

Mistress Marmalade - Keeper of Stars and Other Twinkly Things

Oh no!!! Update not working fast enough on the 'who's online'

Well done Danny smiley - smiley

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 7

Danny B

Good grief... If I'm this stressed now, just think what might happen if I ever make it to 19 points smiley - yikes

smiley - zen

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 8

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I wonder if 'never' isn't better than 'late' on this quizsmiley - grr

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 9


How appropriate smiley - laugh

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 10

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, then you can imagine the state of my blood pressure was in when I only needed one more point, Danny...smiley - steamsmiley - yikessmiley - weird

Wednesday 08th May 2002

Post 11


Well done Danny... a point to you.. ~grin~

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