A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 1


Tis riddle time... ~grin~

What goes round the wood but never goes into the wood?

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 2


The bark of a tree?

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

the edge

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 4

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

tree bark

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 5

Go-Go Girl

The bark?

smiley - huh

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

the edge of the wood, to be specific

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 7

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Aaargh! Triplepost! smiley - headhurts

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 8

Go-Go Girl

Wow - four simulposts!

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 9

Danny B

The cover on a golf club or the jack in a game of bowls..?

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 10


Someone who's afraid of the trees! Mua ha ha ha ha ha!

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

Non-penetrative wood varnish - it does exactly what it says on the tin.smiley - winkeye

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 12


smiley - laugh

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 13

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

The outside of the wood

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 14


Not Marc Bolan anyway.

Howabout a dizzy dog?

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 15


Open ground?

Unless there's a clearing.


Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 16

Ming Mang

Ants. I've seen them at it... yes, I do sit in trees for hours on end watching ants... but only in the summer. smiley - winkeye They mostly die in the winter.


Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 17


Do you know what... sometimes me thinks you lot are to clever for your own good... me read all you replies... and me found most of them so good... that me is giving out points to nearly everyone today... the list is....

Whisky 1 point
Titania 1/2 point
Dr St. Justin 1/2 point
Go-Go Girl 1/2 point
Danny B 1/2 point... good thinking..
Gnomon 1/2 point for making me laugh.... and coming up with a good answer as well...

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 18


* Pops in to leave a pile of smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut *

Thanks Greebo

Tuesday 29th January 2002

Post 19

You can call me TC

I'm catching up on several days stuff still - or I would have come up with something about "It had better go in disguise"

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