A Conversation for Parachute Systems

Parachute Systems

Post 1



Ever thrown yourself at the ground and failed to miss? If so, then a parachute may come in handy for you.

This article discusses the various components of a parachute system, and how they all work together.

Parachute Systems

Post 2


Humerous and well written. I'd like to see this in the guide smiley - smiley

I'd like to make a few suggestions:

1) It would be nice to have a section on the history of the parachute - you know, all that da Vinci stuff. (BTW - somebody recreated da Vinci's parachute and survived a jump with it!)

2) I'd get rid of the Introduction heading.

3) A couple of typos (I'm really nit-picking now) - 1st para in optional parameters - acceleration spelt wrongly.

Enjoyed reading it immensely.

- Adam

Parachute Systems

Post 3



Thanks for the comments. I've incorporated some of the suggestions & I'll do a bit more research on the history. I've heard that there are Chinese sketches that pre-date even Gallileo's.

Thanks for the pointers.


Parachute Systems

Post 4

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

What a great article! I agree with Dr. Mungbean - I'd also like to see a little more background on the history of the parachute, but the parachute itself you've covered in concise detail.

Parachute Systems

Post 5

Metal Chicken

Lovely Datagod. (Or should I have said 'Lovely, Datagod')
Whatever, I've been wearing a packed up version on my back since I took up gliding a few years ago (not constantly I hasten to add). We generally think of them more as expensive cushions rather than life-saving equipment but I thoroughly enjoyed reading about what's inside the backpack and why we have to look after them so carefully.

Parachute Systems

Post 6

njan (afh)

Hello there! smiley - smiley

You'll be jubilant to hear that we think this entry is great, and it has now gone into the Editorial Process for future inclusion in the Edited Guide. When it does get into the Edited Guide, we will email to let you know, but please bear in mind it can take a while for entries to go through the sub-editing system.

Congrats! It's a cool entry! smiley - smiley

- Njan.

Parachute Systems

Post 7

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - erm Why is this in the sinbin now? I was Infinite Improbability driving, and ran across this entry. It really ought to go into the Edited Guide, methinks...

smiley - footprints

Parachute Systems

Post 8

Evil Zombie Strider

Wait. It is an Edited Entry. My mistake. Can this thread go to the original entry then? I'm not a Scout anymore, but some of you still are...

smiley - footprints

Parachute Systems

Post 9

njan (afh)

don't look at me, guv. I ain't a scout no more, like. smiley - winkeye

- Njan

smiley - hug

smiley - rose

Parachute Systems

Post 10


Nor am I. Just haven't got the time these days. smiley - sigh

Parachute Systems

Post 11

Evil Zombie Strider

Right. I'll have to write a letter to the SubEds group and they'll sort it out. Consider this dealt with, then.

smiley - footprints

Thread Moved

Post 12

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Parachute Systems'.

Thread Moved

Post 13

Evil Zombie Strider

Yay! Thank you Abi! smiley - biggrin

smiley - footprints

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