A Conversation for Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Well balanced article

Post 1


Nice work, a well balanced overview.

If I may add a couple of suggestions, there are two places I would add to the "where to go section" particularly if one was to visit in the winter.

First, there is the Children's museum, a must see for the under 10 crowd. The museum is located at the forks and features a number of galleries with hands on exhibits for children. A great place for the family to spend an afternoon when winter winds are howling.

Second, those interested in the history of Western Canada will want to check out the Hudson Bay Collection at the Museum of Man and Nature. The Hudson Bay Company is the oldest corporation in North America and was originally granted all of the land that drains into Hudson Bay. The collection contains artifacts and historic documents begining with the arrival of the first europeans.

Well balanced article

Post 2

Madd Matt

Thank you for the added input. Not having children myself, I neglected to consider what the larval stage of humanity might find interesting. While we're on the topic, I recall that they have some sort of large and successful Children's Festival at the Forks each summer. As well, the recent addition of the Winnie-the-Pooh festival down at Assiniboine Park should be included.

It also struck me that I completely forgot to mention that all-seeing mascot of the Parliament buildings, the Golden Boy. Is it just me, or does he bear a striking resemblance to the FTD Florist symbol?

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