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Pink Floyd

Post 21


eh, dont worry, we still look and when something comes up, generally check it out.

i defintely agree that animals is great. i dont have this echoes CD, but have most of the albums i guess the songs are pulled from. i have posted to threads years old and still gotten a response.... its all good!


Pink Floyd

Post 22


Success! A reply! TWO evensmiley - smiley

Good to see you again, Euphoric One, and good to come across you, Galen!

Yea... It is just a complation cd, but the artwork on the inner lining is incredibly alluring...

(and the music's good toosmiley - winkeye It's handy if you've got one song in mind and aren't willing to peruse through your dust coated cd rack to find it.

Pink Floyd

Post 23

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

CD? What's that? Uh-oh! *hides from RIAA*

Pink Floyd

Post 24


smiley - laugh

Pink Floyd

Post 25

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

What is that? It looks to me like a smiley whose face was rearranged.

Pink Floyd

Post 26


That would be smiley - bruised. Poor smiley.

Good to see people are still in this thread. smiley - smiley Does anyone have Division Bell? I don't know anything about it except that I like the title track.

Pink Floyd

Post 27


I've heard of it, but never heard it ... sorry Aurorasmiley - sadface

Pink Floyd

Post 28


I have the tape.... what an incredible album! i hear one of my roommates(yeah, thats right.. i am in college now) has the CD, so ill have that soon also! get it at all costs!

Pink Floyd

Post 29

blue meanie

always check with Mums first before you root. They can be pretty scary--Mums I mean,not Pink Floyd records.
One of the good things about Pink Floyd songs is that they are unsullied by video. Everyone has their own thoughts on a particular song,and thiese are uncontaminated by what some producer thinks we should think.

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