A Conversation for How to Learn to Speak Klingon

thlIngan Hol Forum

Post 1


This Forum is for speaking to other researchers in Klingon.

thlIngan Hol Forum

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


thlIngan Hol Forum

Post 3

The Caffeine Kid

...or is it K'Plah?

Can we please have the definitive spelling? {grins broadly}

Andy xx

thlIngan Hol Forum

Post 4


The correct spelling is Qapla'!

thlIngan Hol Forum

Post 5


HISlaH SoH Quvatlh pataQ toDSaH!! LOL

thlIngan Hol Forum

Post 6




I have successfully translated _SoH_ to _you_ but the rest I am completely stuck on! My dictionry has not helped a great deal!

pIch vIghajbe'!

thlIngan Hol Forum

Post 7


The translation is...

"Yes, you damn bitch b******d!!!" LOL

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