A Conversation for How to Learn to Speak Klingon

Klingon Translations

Post 1

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

One of the strangest things I've ever seen is a Klingon translation of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

The description of the book at FatBrain.com is:

"A followup to The Klingon Dictionary presents Shakespeare's classic play in the Klingon language. Original."

Well, I'll say! smiley - smiley

Klingon Hamlet can be purchased at:

Klingon Translations

Post 2

Professor Sarah Bellum

Does anyone know if they've managed to get the bible translated into Klingon yet? They couldn't decided if bread should be grain food or Klingon Blood Pie. Personally it should be grain food because Klingon Blood Pie I assume is a special dish and so if it was a special dish wouldn't it be something like meat and fish?

Klingon Translations

Post 3

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

If they have done so, it is not commercially available at this time. I imagine such a translations would be published. I can imagine a lot of interest from the Klingon reenactors. smiley - smiley


Post 4


I wonder what the Klingon Jesus would do in the Klingon Bible??

Would he heal the sick and dying and preach to sinners or would he beat on those Pharisees and make them Sad-u-see? Get it? Saducees?? LOL

I wonder if he'd say "Turn the other cheek so I can cut it..."

Klingon Translations

Post 5


There were once two groups working on the Bible translation. A division had occured over the purpose, and thus the style, of the translation.

One group believed that the Bible should be translated as an academic exercise and thus the translation should be done from ancient manuscripts and should be as literal as possible. Thus we get bread being "grain food". This group is also translating the entire Bible. As it is difficult to find people who can translate from ancient manuscripts into Klingon, this project is going slow and far from complete.

The other group believed that the Bible should be translated as an evangelistic tool. They used modern translations and figurative references (such as blood pie instead of bread). They only translated the New Testament and published it with the name, "Good News for the Warrior Race". The publication quality was very low (more like poorly copied pamphlets than books), but it allowed them to produce a large number of books very inexpensively. I don't know where you can get one of these and I don't think that group actually exists any more. But the books are out there somewhere, if you really want one.

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