This is the Message Centre for Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...


Post 1

Insane Endeavour

Hello! I didn't leave, I got too scared!

Welcome to h2g2 anyway! If you need any help around the place don't hesitate to visit the ACEs at They'll help you get to grips with the system.
Check out the newcomers page too, the easiest way to ease yourself in. The page is

Hope to see you around! smiley - smiley



Post 2

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Hey. I'm glad somebody found their way to my little page. I just finished with the intro, which as I promised, degenerates into a long rambling story about myself. And it makes no sense. But I recommend it if you have some time to waste. Or if you're at work/school and trying to look busy. Or if you're a fan of kinkajous.


Post 3

Insane Endeavour

I'll go and have a look right now! smiley - smiley



Post 4

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

you took the time to look up my padge so to be fair I did the same. so hello that is about all for now exept to say If the world is what we make it we are in deep s**t really.


Post 5

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

*throughs a stake to the dog*

Are you happy now? any way I just cane to say hello agane and give you the new gibberish for the day which is.
If blood is thicker than water and custerd is thicker than blood. does that mean we should all love triful.


Post 6

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...



Post 7

Insane Endeavour

Er... what happens if you hate trifle? smiley - sadface



Post 8

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

I dunno. It was his question.*

*Note: If you guys provided users with a "Shruggy-Face" icon, then I'd stick one here. But you don't, and I'm not going to try to fake it.


Post 9

Archangel Zax



*thinks of the kinkajous*

*thinks about Canadia*


*rolls on floor some more, trying desperately not to imagine jamaican lemming herders*

*fails miserably*
*dissolves into a jello-like puddle of blubbering mirth*


Post 10

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Well I see you are up to your usual standerd of confusing the hell out of me but that does not take much any way

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