A Conversation for H2G2S2: The H2G2 Sweet Shop

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 41

Ming Mang

Yay!! Sweet Stall!! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 42

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*calling a lorry to pick the Toblerones up*
I wonder if you could use them as boats?

A Sweet Stall!
*very happy, has no idea what that should be though, but decides to go there and find out*

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 43

Ming Mang

I now have the link!! *fanfare* http://www.h2g2.com/F26840?thread=60774&post=446196 Yay!! Sweet Stall!! :-):-):-):-):-) Boat? Only chocolate that is melted in that density floats... �M�

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 44

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*grins* Thanks, Ming... smiley - smiley I know, I should have got the link myself... smiley - winkeye

But why bother... smiley - winkeye

I know FC will stalk me anyway... smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 45


sorry to trouble you, but after reading that delicious *does dog impression - drools* sweet stall menu type thing, i just have this incredible urge for a malteser! do you stock them?

thanks, oh and do you stock solero ices?....

-The shoulderless man

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 46

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

Sure we do... smiley - smiley We have everything you want...

*hands over malteser & a solero ice*

Enjoy... smiley - smiley

If you need anything else, please come again... smiley - smiley

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 47

Fashion Cat

hehe... i did the stalking bit, and found my way to the stall, all by myself... I was so proud!!! smiley - bigeyes

hehe... more honeycomb.... I'm now totally addicted. at least this is the fat-free option!! smiley - winkeye

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 48

Ming Mang


Fat-free? Why do people eat things that are fat-free? I really don't get it...
Everything with fat in tastes better than the fat-free equivalent...
smiley - winkeye


SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 49

Fashion Cat

this is fat free cos I cant eat it... though IRL, I always take full fat... so much nicer tasting... smiley - smiley

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 50

Ming Mang

*looks enlightened*
Yes. It is MUCH nicer! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 51


mmm... *sucks solero ice*

thanks muchly
keep the superb shop up..... its SO hot here sometimes, you just gotta be able to get a few cool calories!

-the shoulderless man

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 52

Ming Mang

*grins happily*

Anyone else want anything?


SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 53

Fashion Cat

Ming! I really need some more bonbons for my page.... I really have to stop eating them!

and a crunchie bar too, if you've got it!

sorry, that last supply kept me going a while! smiley - smiley

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 54

Ming Mang

*hands Crunchie to FC and indicates the tanker outside full of bonbons*
That should keep you going!! smiley - winkeyesmiley - bigeyes

(Hey, FC, about your name change - why don't you run for Prez yourself? Then you needn't just be vice, but the real thing!! Just an idea...)


SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 55

Fashion Cat

*psst, I didnt tell you this, but i dont think i have what it takes.... I'm a bit too knew, this way I get to take part, but dont have all the responsibilities smiley - smiley*

smiley - bigeyes the WHOLE tankers worth!!!

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 56

Matt the Rat

smiley - bigeyes *Looks around the Sweet Shop with widened eyes* smiley - bigeyes

My, oh my!

*Saliva floods mouth*

Mmmmm...Could I get a pound of Swedish Red Berries? This place is like a virtual heaven on a virtual earth!

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 57

Ming Mang

*laughs at Matt and wonders if she should get a drain fitted*
*hands pound of Swedish Red Berries to him*
smiley - winkeye

Really FC? I'm sure your being new wouldn't stop you! I didn't even realise you were new till you started your party!

Anyone else?
I'm sure you all want something really!
I'm equally sure we'll have it... if it exists...
smiley - winkeye


SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 58

Matt the Rat

*Looks up in Surprise*

A Party! Yeah, Woo hoo! I just happen to have some balloons...

*Pulls a bag of giant balloons out of his coat*

And some helium...

*Pulls a tank of Helium out of his coat. He starts inflating balloons. Soon the air is filled with gold, silver, sub-luminous, irisdescent, rainbow, and even some ultra-violent, balloons.*

*Just for laughs, Matt the Rat sucks down a great breath of helium*


*Offers the tank around...*

SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 59

Insane Endeavour

If only I could see those Ultra-violent balloons! smiley - sigh

We seem to be doing well with parties, don't we! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


SEE! Told you I'd be first!

Post 60

Fashion Cat

well, all those sweets really get things off to a bang! and I'll pass on the helium ta... I never have quite gotten over the madness it induced within! smiley - winkeye

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