A Conversation for Save the H2G2 Fish!

The Fish Tank

Post 101

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Save the fish! Fish are nice! Fish taste nice too! Save them! Me, kitty, eat them later!
smiley - winkeye

The Fish Tank

Post 102


ok, i think eating them might kinda go against the principle of saving them, don't u think?

The Fish Tank

Post 103

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

You mean, you not saving the fish for all the H2G2 kitties to eat?
smiley - sadfacesmiley - winkeye

The Fish Tank

Post 104


I'm sure I've got some Tofu cat food somewhere...

*starts searching*

The Fish Tank

Post 105


My cat won't eat anything except ham.

Save the Fish - sacrifice the pigs smiley - smiley

The Fish Tank

Post 106

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

smiley - tongueout Icky!!

The Fish Tank

Post 107

Alex Watson [Zaphodista]

I've got a fish to put in! Take a look at http://www.watson1999-69.freeserve.co.uk/alex_fish.gif . I've put the logo on my user page too ... now can I join and help in the saving of the H2G2 fish? smiley - fish

Alex (WatsonA)

The Fish Tank

Post 108

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Thistle: That's why you stick a link in the picture to take the user to the Goo version of your page i.e.
My cats like eating bunny actually. And then leaving the intestines for their "loving owners" to clean up. (For loving owners read: large humans who dropkick the cats out of the room, swearing loudly).
It does mean I'm not sqeamish about blood though...

The Fish Tank

Post 109

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Hey everyone...I'm back...
Save the fishies!
If I compile a more recent member list, would you post it Lisa?

The Fish Tank

Post 110


tweetie: too late, i fugured it out for myself, sorry.
my cat eats anything and everything, and we're sure the lady across the road is feeding him too he's that fat!
i wish i could make fish :0(

The Fish Tank

Post 111

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Good news on the fish front!

The Celery has created a Fish Sanctuary and Playground at

This is not in any way intended to replace the Save the h2g2 Fish Campaign (which The Celery supports, particularly since he's an h2g2 creation himself), but Lisa hasn't had time to update the page for all the fish that have been waiting for a safe place to swim, so now there is another place they can go as well.

You can bring your own fish to add to the aquarium there, adopt one of the fish that are already waiting for someone to care about them, or just be an important h2g2 fish supporter, and the names of guardians and supporters will be added to the page daily.

Come visit the fish!

The Fish Tank

Post 112

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Thanks for the link redbeard!
Join PAS (the Penguin Appreciation Society)http://www.h2g2.com/A400276.

The Fish Tank

Post 113

Fish Called Honda

I don't appreciate the way that penguins ate my family smiley - sadface

The Fish Tank

Post 114

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I'm sorry, Honda... but fishies do poop in the home of penguins, too!!!-- A sort of revenge, if you will...

Hey, I have a disc or two of disco music here for a Princess Sugarfoot!?? smiley - smiley

The Fish Tank

Post 115


What we need is some big fish to eat all the Penguins...

The Fish Tank

Post 116

RedFish ><>

Hey, can I joint this tank? it looks fun

smiley - fish
smiley - fish
smiley - fish


The Fish Tank

Post 117

TraKter Pilot

So before I join Please answer me this.

Alabaster which is done as slight speed boost, and looks like a normal corporate site, kills the fish?
If this is indeed the case what differentiates this Corporate Alabaster skin and the result of its immplementaion from any other corporate polluter?

The Fish Tank

Post 118

Triv, Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds; Maker of Sacred Signposts CotTB; Foxy Manor's Head Butler; ACE (GROOVY!)

So, not to revive a dying conversation or anything, but I thought I'd throw the metaphrical fish back into the metaphorical pond and breathe some air into a digital metaphorical conversation.

Hrm...what was I talking about?

Right! Yes! Ok!

I wanna save a fish. I think you need more than three members and I'd love to be 4th...

althoguh, is there a conflict of interest by being a member of GAS as well? smiley - winkeye


The Fish Tank

Post 119


I think the fish should be saved. Seeing as I am one myself...
Can I be a member as well?

Staticsmiley - fish

The Fish Tank

Post 120

Fish Called Honda

Have you joined the Union of Fish at:
my fish friend?

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