This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

procrastination does not pay

Post 21

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

No, it's when a serial killer is after you and the police gives you a new name and address.

procrastination does not pay

Post 22

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

It's when you're an smiley - angel in the kitchen and a smiley - yikes in the bedroom.

Mind've got a smiley - chef for that. smiley - smiley

procrastination does not pay

Post 23


It's when you're caught up a neighbour's tree at harvest time and tell them, "Ain't nobody here but us apples." smiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - angelsmiley - applesmiley - applesmiley - apple

procrastination does not pay

Post 24

Sho - employed again!

the actual essay won't be that interesting because it references mostly our coursebook and the 2 case studies in the relevant chapter. But it's basically about how your own identity isn't just the one you think you build for yourself, but it's imposed on you by those around you (and not always in a 'good way')

Things like becoming a parent for the first time, moving from the adolescent world of school to the grown-up one of work etc etc. Totally fascinating subject but due to my extenuating circs recently I haven't really done the work smiley - sadface

procrastination does not pay

Post 25

You can call me TC

Aah. Edging up the generation ladder.

procrastination does not pay

Post 26

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

So when can I expect to learn how to be patient? I am 32 now and I kinda think it owuld be handy if patience would blooming well hurry up! smiley - winkeye


procrastination does not pay

Post 27

Sho - employed again!

haha - I'm ... er... 48, and I'm never going to be patient.

so, smiley - biro it's about to be formatted and sent to the OU

thanks all!

procrastination does not pay

Post 28

Wand'rin star

well done. I'd love to read it smiley - starsmiley - star

procrastination does not pay

Post 29

Sho - employed again!

unfotunately it's not even o-level standard. I'd be embarassed to show anyone.

procrastination does not pay

Post 30

You can call me TC

Oh - I dunno. When I read my school essays, I am amazed at how erudite I was in those days, and how nice my handwriting was! Should be fine!

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